I'm all for free speech, but gawd damn, can someone please remove this thread? This is fucking disgraceful. Hey sock, do you think Elvis is still alive too? I've seen pictures that could prove it. And let me guess, you also think the Holocaust was exaggerated.
I still think to this day 99% of the insane belief that this was all faked goes back to the inability to realize this country got caught napping. In a big way.
The Loose Change video is unadulterated nonsense but it has its own internal scary logic. Fascinating stuff. Crapola to the nth degree but fascinating in an Oliver Stone/JFK way. Problem is, there are a few people out there with tinfoil hats who eat this crap up.
I think there are plenty of unanswered questions about 9/11. I believe Flight 93 was shot down. Wreckage was strewn across a wide area. It is indicative of a plane that blew up in midair. I wouldn't be surprised if the government shot it down, then went along with the heroes on board story to make it sound good for the public. The collapse of the towers is unlike anything in history -- except controlled demolitions. It's such a major stretch to believe that the government would actually be behind something like that, tho.
Yes, but jet fuel does not burn at a high enough temperature to melt the steel that held up the WTC. Survivors from the ground floor reported feeling an upward rush of wind through the stairwells. The wind should have been pushed down. Witnesses heard many explosions. There's plenty of scientific evidence to support a controlled demolition.
TSP --go to the PM link. It addresses the "not hot enough to melt steel" trope, along with the others.
Read an article in the recent Vanity Fair (I think) about the NORAD response on 9-11. Pretty amazing the lack of ability they had to react to an incident like that. Sure, they scrambled jets but had no way to track them because the hijackers had turned off the transponders. Know how they found out what happened? They watched it on CNN. Didn't help that the airline companies (which could actually track their planes) weren't very forthcoming with information.
Here's another jack ass...this photo was a day or two after the attack....and I don't see any airplane in that picture....do you?
Good Lord, it's like reading my Brother-In-Law's nonsense... http://www.sportsjournalists.com/forum/threads/30252/