The problem is that when the government starts doing things it ought not to do, particularly overseas. and, once caught, decides to cover it up instead of levelling with the country, then these theories spout like weeds. Do you think that half the JFK theories would be out there if they weren't engaged in all that goofy shit trying to kill Castro? They tried to cover that up in the aftermath and it put an aura of conspiracy around the whole event. (And I think there was at least one more gun, btw.) As for whether or not the government would consider concocting its own plot, google "Operation Northwoods" and know that a) you can hold the ON memo in your hand in the Kennedy library, and b) it got passed up all the way through the JCS before Mcnamara finally turned off the lunacy spigot. Blowing up John Glenn on the pad and blaming the Cubans?
This is the exact problem with you people...sock is simply asking quesitons...something you wannabe journalists don't do. Yeah, let's just bury our heads in the long as I you get to watch American Idol, stick your little pecker in your girlfriend and watch some football, who cares what happens to us....right? Fucking loser Once you've got the Presbyterians on your side, the day is yours!
For the record... I'm not much for conspiracies either. But sock has legitimate questions and he's confused about the messages he's getting. I apologize for the over the top responses but I get really fired up about this subject. GOP and Demers alike call you a "conspiracy theorist" when you question their ethics in dealing with this episode of American history. This subject can push you beyond the boundaries of many realities and when you dig deep, many times, you find things that stretch the idea of evil. More importantly, there are journalists dieing, being kidnapped, putting their ass on the line with flak jackets and Kevlar, to bring you the story. The very least we can do, is push them to ask the right questions and do more. You've got to ask yourself, did any journalists die in the past five years reporting the story of Sept. 11? Ask yourself, what was Hunter Thompson (a real man's journalist) working on the day he decided it was time to committ "suicide?" I agree many of the so-called theories out there are wild and bizarre, yet many have merits and through the maze of bullshit, we are able to understand that our government spent three times more money trying to understand exactly how Clinton, one of the most corrupt politicians of our time, specifically got that blowjob than on the largest Domestic attack of the modern era. An episode that sparked a shift in the American economy, and the largest bailout of an industry since the banking scandals of the 80s. At the very least, Sock deserves credit that he's asking questions. Many of the so-called journalists here are more worried about sucking off Jerry Jones than pushing them to the limit. My only personal attack goes out to King are the shame of this business.