Fenian...thanks for this post. It's great reporting until this: Such a massive cover-up is possible, he explains, because people don't want to believe high officials would "launch an attack on their own citizens," which would be "treason of the worst sort." Indeed. And if unfounded, it's an accusation of the worst sort. This is an AP story...I'm a little shocked that the writer would say this because it seems as though he is injecting his own belief of the outcome in this idea. In actuality, should the accusation prove unfounded, it would force the government to account for it's assertions in the 9/11 Commission Report. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it, as it is possibly the worst report ever compiled. This article also insists: Griffin is unable to provide hard evidence and connects few dots. Rather, he discusses the metallurgy of the World Trade Center towers and various murky details and odd occurrences regarding the fateful day. Mr. Richard Ostling is right on the money here...Griffen offers no hard evidence because there is none. And his assertions are based on the "hard" evidence of the 9/11 commission report. In the above statement, Mr. Ostling follows up the summation with the statement that Griffen does discuss the metallurgy of the WTC and various murky details...I can't tell if he's serious here or not. Either way, thanks for the post. Nothing like having the Presby's in your corner. Aren't they the ones electing women to high office within the church? What's the world coming too.
Awww, thanks! It's nice to know that, ahem, I'm a shame to this business, and it's really nice that you taught yourself to type "Stupid Fuck." So you disagree with me. Great. No problems. But "Stupid Fuck"? My five-month old son has more intelligence than you. I sure hope mommy and daddy don't get mad at you for tying up the computer this long.
At the risk of being branded a "conspiracy theorist" I see no problem with asking this line of questions. I wouldn't base it all on seeing Loose Change because for every question that raises it answers next to none of them, but there are plenty of places to research this topic and much of what I've found has caused me to at least question some of the events of that day. Whoever commented about questioning this admin. due to other lies was right-on. After all the lies and cover ups why am I some loony for taking what the gov't says on this topic with a grain of salt? As for those who say this type of conversation somehow dishonors the memories of those who died on that day, I just don't see the connection. Regardless of how they died or who caused it, they were still innocent people who suffered through unimaginable horrors and they ought to be remembered forever. It's easy to dismiss these theories by labeling people who entertain them as "extremists" but when recent polls say a third of the country believes there may be something to them, I find it hard to believe it is only the extremists. Do I think the gov't played any role in 9/11? God it would be a lot easier to say that I had no doubt that they played no part, but I have my doubts. As to what that role was, I really don't know, but as much I'd like to believe otherwise I have too many questions to allow myself to do so. If that makes me a nut, so be it.
"The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it." You can use that either way, I guess, in this situation. But no, it's not stupid or "extremist" to ask questions. Some questions regarding 9/11 are valid. But I don't think it's too far-fetched that the ol' system in the USA was blind-sided one day either. I have seen a lot of the "conspiracy" theories, pictures, explanations, etc. I just don't buy them.
Actually they've probably done 10. I remember a couple of guests and a roundtable or two discussing the theories.
King....glad to see you're giving commentary as opposed to diverting attention by suggesting that Elvis is my neighbor and the Holocaust was a bad dream. It's well within your right not to buy in to suggestions of a conspiracy. Like I said earlier, some of these insinuations include Martians in the White House. Once you sift through a lot of this shit, questions remain. By the way, Elvis Pressley and I play golf together.
Good grief GTG, I wasn't suggesting that you don't believe the Holocaust happened or that you think The King is still alive. It was simply a point that some people believe anything is a conspiracy. There are people who believe the Holocaust never happened or is exaggerated. There are people who believe Elvis is alive. And there are people who think 9/11 was the work of our government. Some people believe in one of those, some two, some all three, some none. I wasn't trying to say that if you believe in one you believe in them all. If that's what you took from any post I put, I apologize. That's not what I was trying to say, so maybe now you know what I am trying to say. Maybe everyone's head is buried in the sand when it comes to 9/11. We'll probably never actually know the whole truth, much like the JFK assassination, etc. How's The King's game lately on the links these days?
I worked in WTC #2, Floor 29, up to Oct. 2000. The interior of half of our floor had never been finished and was still in the raw steel-and-concrete state. Having gone in there once to look around, I can say the individual trusses were surprisingly spindly compared to a standard structural steel I-beam, and I could pull the fireproofing off with my fingers. I'm no scientist, but it was easy to understand how an exploding jetliner, burning jet fuel, furniture and interior materials would shatter many of the trusses and melt many more.
it's incomprehensible to me why so many of these fruitcakes keep repeating the same nonsense over and over. one of my favorites - other than the too ludicrous to dignify with a response one in which they can't grasp why the plane didn't create a "cartoon-like outline of itself on the pentagon" - is the one saying that jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel. this one is not complicated -- no one says the steel melted. did any of you take chemistry in high school? it gets hot and warps (expands or contracts) and that's enough to collapse on itself. another thing i don't get is when people like gandhithegreat keep repeating over and over again that the media has failed to ask the right questions. i literally have no idea what that means. all the questions are answered pretty simply. you just don't like the answers so you're lashing out at the messenger. and i think these people are the same ones these same people blame the media for so many of this country's (and the world's) problems. well, guess what? maybe i'm biased because i used to be a journalist but it's overly simplistic and cheap to constantly blame everything on the media. does the media to a perfect job here? of course not. it's like baseball's steroid problem. a few months ago we had an excellent thread in which several people in the business tried their best (but failed) to explain to the non-reporters on this board that it's not like they could just ask the people they cover "so, are you on steroids?". they non-reporters kept repeating that the media should've done more but they couldn't offer a single specific suggestion for how a reporter could've done more.
Try calling 4-1-1 on a cell phone. They charge like a buck fifty. It's a conspiracy, I tell you. And I don't believe United 93 was shot down by the government. Our outdated equipment for tracking planes within the United States wasn't up to the task of even finding these jets and the communications from the airlines and air traffic controllers to the military was horrible.