You can find a scientist willing to argue just about any point in the world. For example, Samuel Shenton, a member of England's Royal Astronomical and Royal Geographical Societies, believed the Earth was flat ... up until his death in 1971.
Well, after the first tower fell, they couldn't even get to to all the guys in the second tower to tell them to get the hell out.
IW, this is dead on. Its the absolute killer to any conspiracy theory because its so hard to contain information. The lower level minions know what's going on and are not motivated to keep the secret. As a lawyer, its my job to sort through information after the fact and I can tell you keeping a conspiracy has to be the hardest thing imaginable because how does one keep the minions who have no stake in the outcome from opening their mouths? Absolute silence 5 years later tells me there was no conspiracy.
The NORAD response/lack there of, as well as the schedule NORAD war games in NY that week have been totally glossed over ... Anyone remember that the Air Force managed to get up right alongside Payne Stewart's airplane? And yet, not a damn thing was done to stop 9-11? That's hard to believe. I could understand the government getting caught with its pants down for one plane. Or maybe two. But there is no way in the world I'll ever believe that, 40 minutes after the WTC attacks, we couldn't scramble a couple planes to protect Washington DC. Grossly insensitive or not, that's my take. And, in my opinion, what's grossly insensitive is that the media has completely accepted the government's version of the facts, which are obviously in quesiton. Maybe the 9-11 commission whitewashed their own investigation to protect political figures from embarrassment. Or maybe something more sinister was at work. I don't know. But as long as the media and government purposely ignore the events of 9-11, conspiracy theorists are going to have free reign .. By the way, I think the demolition theories are nonsense. The big questions to me are ... 1) Why did the air national guard roll over? 2) Who funded the operation? 3) Who instructed Able Danger, a military intelligence operation which identified Mohammed Atta as Al Qaeda in the United Sates, to stop monitoring Atta? 4) Who made money on the put options on airlines? 5) Who's behind the Anthrax scare? (Somehow, I believe this was connected)
To play devil's advocate, I'm sure the 9/11 conspiracy believers might tell you those people have been killed in one nefarious way or another.
Really? Look, I don't subscribe to the imploded towers theory. But why is it so hard to believe that this could be kept secret? Afterall, whoever planned 9-11 kept it secret from just about everyone that mattered right up until it happened, didn't they? We still don't know who killed Kennedy, right? We still don't where Jimmy Hoffa is, right? We didn't know Deep Throat's identity until he was on his death bet, right? People can keep secrets. Especially when they understand revealing such information could cost them their life.
Those examples you cited were much smaller conspiracies than one for 9/11 would have been. Kennedy - Oswald, the second shooter, Ruby, whoever financed them and perhaps a couple others. Hoffa - Two or three mafia guys might have known. At the most, less than 10 members of organized crime. Deep Throat - Felt, Woodward and Bernstein and their boss at the WP.
Those secrets involve(d) a small number of people. 9-11 would have had to involve thousands of people at the highest level of military and government including many not appointed by GWB.
If there was a plan out there I think there'd be at least one (1) honorable member of the CIA, NSA, White House or military who'd pull a Deep Throat and think "Holy shit, we're plotting to kill thousands of our own people. I didn't sign up for this shit. Even if it costs my life, I have to expose this and stop this insanity."
Count me in with the folks in favor of asking questions, particularly at the Pentagon. And spare me another link to Popular Mechanics. As I've said before, just show me *clear* video of a plane hitting the Pentagon. Otherwise, you've got nothing. That said, I am *NOT* in the camp that the totality of 9/11 was a big government conspiracy. That's just too nuts. Our government is too incompetent to even pull it off.
Maybe. Maybe not. I can see a scenario in which all it would take is a small roundtable of Project for a New American Century neo-cons to get the 9-11 ball moving. Someone in said cabal works with the Pakistani secret service (who's chief wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta just months before 9-11, and who happened to be in Washington DC on that day). Pakistani secret service, with deep ties to the Taliban and Al Q, helps set plan in motion. On the government end, Cheney, I believe was in charge of the NORAD excercises that confounded and confused the FAA and Norad so badly. (You might recall the disturbing confusion on that day, where FAA people kept saying "is this excersise or real?") All he's got to do is schedule these excercises like he normally would and make sure his connection with Pakistan knows what day to carry out the attack. Calling the FBI off the case? Well, that's tougher. But it is ironic that the former FBI man in charge of investigating terrorists had only recently taken over as head of security for the WTC and that he died in the attacks. That's a grand oversimplification, I know, but i really don't think it would take that many people to be involved. The simple fact of the matter is that it happened. What isn't so simple is who planned it/paid for it. Why hasn't the Pakistan angle been covered by the media? Why has the Saudi connection been redacted? Terrorist cells are a very strange beast. They operate fairly independently of their paymasters. I'm starting to believe that governments of all stripes and spots manipulate them for their own purposes. On 9-10, President Bush looked like a bumbling fool. His ratings were in the tank. Americans were in no mood for the radical neo-con agenda that Bush's backers wanted to set into action. By 9-11, he had the political capital (or like I told my editor at the time, a blank check) to do whatever he pleased. The administration used that capital to change the rules of war and to convince the American public to support the war on Iraq, which had virtually nothing to do with Al Q or Osama Bin Laden. I look at it like this: What did the muslem world gain by the 9-11 attacks? What did the American neo-cons and their friends (especially in the energy world) gain from 9-11? Who gained the most? Maybe I'm way off. And maybe the neocons and energy companies simply exploited 9-11 for their benefit (bad enough, if you ask me). Or maybe, somewhere in the government, there was a small circle of people who helped 9-11 happen so the neo-cons could have their own Pearl Harbor and set their agenda in motion.