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A question for beat writers - does this piss you off?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by lantaur, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. Dog is right. You don't want your readers to know you're sucking hind tit. Go to the conference media relations people and find out if they have any basic availability guidelines State U might not be adhering to.
  2. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    That made me laugh out loud.. well played, sir
  3. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    I've dealt with so much bullshit, I've got an over-the-top vindictive solution to every possible screwover you'll deal with.

    Trust me. Toss out any situation in which you've been wronged by a university, administrator or coach and I can give you a plan of attack that, while it won't prevent future bullshit, will put a smile on your face.
  4. Eagleboy

    Eagleboy Guest

    Same with me, but I usually just get pushy, answer all the questions I need, and if anyone else jumps in, I'll either shoot them a dirty look and get the player back on track about his life/record/experience/etc. or just wait until everyone else moves on to another player. It's hard, and I've been screwed a couple of times, but then I just request him/her again later on and make sure to let the SID know what's up.

    Can't speak about the personal 1-on-1s, but I've been around when he's asked questions during a post-game session. Might go both ways.
  5. The Basement

    The Basement Member

    That's one of best "solutions" to a problem I've heard in a long time. I too actually chuckled aloud.
    As to the original post - it is quite irritating, especially when the national print guy gets that audience. However, isn't it possible to just get a direct line (cell, email) to that subject and just go around the SID?
    Yes, yes - they can find out and give you shit about it ... but hey, you needed the story right?
  6. dragonfly

    dragonfly Member

    From my experience, Andy is generally a good guy. If he uses the ESPN card to get more access, kudos to him. I'd do the same if the roles were reversed.

    Jim Gray, now that's a whole different story. I've seen him follow guys into the training room for an interview....
  7. As one Homer J. Simpson once said: "Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter."
  8. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I don't know what I'm doing right, but they are now letting me interview athletes in the training room on my beat. I always thought that was verboten, but I'm not going to let on.

    And I am fully aware of how lucky I have it.
  9. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    He didn't want the Florida media asking pesky annoying contentious questions and interrupting the circle jerk with the Bama pom-pom squadron.
  10. Norman Stansfield

    Norman Stansfield Active Member

    AK will sit in on the presser and then get his own stuff, 1-on-1, afterward.

    Nothing wrong with that, if the coach doesn't have a problem with it.
  11. chazp

    chazp Active Member

    If you're talking football, there's one way around this. If your paper sends a photographer to the spring game. While he/she is on the sidelines, get them to ask some of the key players for the upcoming season for their cell phone numbers. It works. IF you have the cell phone, no need to go through the SID. They don't like you to do things this way, because they want to be there and make sure no bulletin board material gets in print, but if they screw over you in favor of TV guys, just go around them this way. Oftentimes, players will give the cell phone of other team members and you can get quotes anytime you need them.
    I hope this was not a thread-jack!
  12. Norman Stansfield

    Norman Stansfield Active Member

    You've got to be careful playing that card, though.

    Do it while covering the wrong U, and the AD, coach and/or SID could severely limit your access going forward -- especially if such moves are detailed as no-nos according to their media guidelines -- or at the very least make your life even more of a living hell than it probably already is on that beat.
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