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ABA Basketball not covered by local newspapers

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by abajoe, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Central-KY-Kid

    Central-KY-Kid Well-Known Member

    The new, ahem, "ABA", still has that rule. Called the 3-D rule.

    Have yet to see an official college/NBA style boxscore which factors in the 3-D points. Maybe they add a column for bonus points.
  2. kingcreole

    kingcreole Active Member

    Too bad Joe hasn't been back to comment.
  3. LightningMan

    LightningMan New Member

    They left the ABA after two seasons for the PBL and died mid-season in their second year in the league.
  4. LightningMan

    LightningMan New Member

    Close. The teams in Maryland (Maryland Nighthawks), North Carolina (Wilmington Sea Dawgs), New York (Rochester Razorsharks), and Illinois (not sure which Chicago entry this was) were already in the PBL when the Vermont and New Hampshire teams came on board (Vermont Frost Heaves, Manchester Millrats), along with a team from Quebec (Qubec Kebs) and Halifax (Halifax Rainmen).

    The CBA team mentioned was the Lawton / Fort Sill Cavalry. The Manchester Millrats moved to Saint John in Canada and became the Saint John Mill Rats. They and the other two Canadian teams formed the league. The Heaves did fold, but I think it was only two years in the PBL. but I could be wrong.
  5. Lieslntx

    Lieslntx Active Member

    I've got to tell you, that web site provided some of the most entertaining reads in a long time.
  6. Central-KY-Kid

    Central-KY-Kid Well-Known Member

    When the Kentucky Reach (in my paper's town) played in the WBA, OSC was a huge resource. We gave the Reach plenty of coverage (two-page spread season preview, game advances, game recaps, features, notebooks, etc.).

    The WBA website wasn't good about uploading schedules/results -- the ABA is far worse -- so OSC and usbasket.com (which does NOT have a message board) were too must-have bookmarks when it came to covering the team/league.
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