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ACC Tourney, a young writer, impressions of sports media

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by franticscribe, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. newinthefield

    newinthefield Member

    It seems like he's got a pair of Internet cojones.
  2. MrHavercamp

    MrHavercamp Member

    Yes, he took down the post where he said that last bit was just a joke. Hey, kid, I've got a good sense of humor, but you're not funny. Entitled, perhaps. But not funny.
  3. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was going to use the old "don't quit your day job" line, but since his day job appears to be finding newer and less fulfilling ways to spend Mum and Dad's money, I don't see why he'd ever quit that.
  4. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Based on the revised post, perhaps that was exactly the case.
  5. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Thought Jones' response was interesting, but I'm not a big fan of this particular construction:

    "First off—and I say this not to sound tough, but only to report the facts: If some college kid gives me the finger in the press box, you’ll hear about it on the nightly news, because that kid will be launched, from a great fucking height."

    No, Jones, no he wouldn't. Because you will have committed attempted murder, you'd go to jail, and your career would be over. A journalist launching a kid over "a great fucking height" would be the single dumbest thing that journalist has ever done. I get the need for a writer to make a point, but often it's really not necessary to go over the top.

    Meh, the Jones Brigade would probably say I just don't get the nuance of it, or something.

    Never mind the fact that the kid probably doesn't give the finger in the first place, since a Jones (or most people) wouldn't have been a press row prick to this kid in the first place, as the old radio UNC wonk was.

    The fact that no one quoted it for posterity is a great loss to the SportsJournalists.com archive.

    Otherwise: kid acts like a fanboy, kid gets called on it (and to be fair, the radio guy was a jerk about it), kid who has no clue about journalism criticizes journalism, sneaks a good point or two in there, gets called on it, makes a flimsy apology, and goes right back to displaying that he doesn't know of what he speaks, ends up tying himself in knots.

    Film at Eleven.
  6. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re the finger and the launching: I'd settle for a metaphoric launch, which is pretty much what he got here.

    Can't think of too many workplaces where an alleged adult finds it acceptable or justifiable to give someone the finger. If that was me on the receiving end, it would take two seconds to find someone in charge and have the twit removed. Or launched.
  7. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Very true. In a series of discussions about this kid, the Jones point stood out to me.

    I guess I've just been reading too many of Starman's posts lately, or something.
  8. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Jones is a studio gansta.
  9. newinthefield

    newinthefield Member

    For posterity sake. I use FireFox at home and I always save my tabs when I close the window. When I reloaded the net at lunch time, the page was still up and did not refresh, so for those who may have missed it...enjoy.


    Guys, you'll forgive me for responding this late at night, but as GOB from Arrested Development would say...

    COME ON!

    Here was the full context of my post:

    "Having something spread like that does get you a little paranoid, as I admitted. That's just natural. But I apologized not because I was scared, or because I'm switching things up to play it conservative, but because I legitimately felt bad about grouping in some hard-working, talented people with everyone else I attacked. If I hadn't felt that way, and if it hadn't nagged at my conscience, I wouldn't have apologized- no matter who took issue. I'm not going to back down just because someone famous has a problem; that's not my MO, never will be. I can carry the weight of disapproval, believe me. Easiest thing in the world if I think I'm correct. And in fact, I stand by the original post I wrote. You still see it standing, right? If I didn't stand by the majority of what I said, it wouldn't be there. But Chris Jones was right, and I knew he was right, and with my apology I did what I thought was the right thing."

    Then, as a JOKE, I posted the last part that everyone's quoting. Like, as a parody of my previous pattern, which was to post something crazy and then apologize. In other words, I explained why I apologized, and why I was so extreme in the first place, and then made a joke. It wasn't a subtle joke, either. It was really, really obvious. And now everyone here wants to jump on me like I said something super insulting.

    I have no problem if you want to take offense to the first post. I would too, if I were you. I apologized because I was wrong. But to take that little blip out of context is just ridiculous. If you want to operate with a total lack of humor, great, but please don't expect ANYONE, and I mean anyone, to have any sympathy. I read all this stuff here about that supposed "insulting" post, and I have to shake my head. Can we have no middle ground, no admission that I was a little extreme, no make-up joke, without everyone taking cheap shots?

  10. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Nice work new. Makes you shoe-in first ballot for the good wing of new posters HOF.
  11. newinthefield

    newinthefield Member

    On my. So unexpected. There's so many people to thank...lmao
  12. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Much appreciated. Thanks.
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