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Al Queada eating children?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Smallpotatoes, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    And in other news, 45% of Americans do not believe in evolution.
  2. CentralIllinoisan

    CentralIllinoisan Active Member

    Even if true, this likely is a one-time thing, by some whacko, not a trend.

    Plenty of Americans do crazy shit; does that mean we all do? Of course not.
  3. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    No you are being a typical SportsJournalists.com sideline cheerleader who, rather than contribute anything meaningful, would rather throw a bunch of silly nonsense out to try and help your buddy out. That's fine because in this case you are attached to a sinking ship. I've posted at least five different polls, numerous articles about other polling data and if you take all of the results and piece them together it is very clear that Tony's assertion is not that far from the truth.

    And I'll repeat the latest, and most direct and clear data, again....

    The Scripps Howard poll also indicated that people who get their news from alternative sources were more likely to believe in "conspiracies" while, "People who regularly read daily newspapers or listen to radio newscasts were especially unlikely to believe in the conspiracies. A majority of young people, high-school educated adults, minorities and Democrats believe 9/11 conspiracies; only a quarter of those over the age of 65 polled believed 9/11 conspiracies.
  4. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    Al-Qaeda apparently has now reorganized to pre-9/11 levels.

    You asshole Bushies will soon find out why people like me have been so belligerent and pugnacious for five years about us fighting this fictitious war in Iraq, which could not be a bigger Al-Qaeda recruiting video, instead of concentrating in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and also not protecting our power plants and chemical facilities.

    How many lives have Bush and Cheney ruined? How many will be ruined by them from here on out?

    If another "faith" candidate steals his way into the Oval Office, JR's gonna have a lot of company.
  5. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Actually 78 percent of Americans believe public schools should teach intelligent design along with evidence both proving and disproving evolution. I wonder what Pastor thinks about that ....I know, I know "that isn't true. It is different, those numbers aren't exact, wah wah....."

  6. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Wait a minute Simon, are you a liberal? Do you believe Bush had something to do with 9/11 or knew about it and didn't do anything to prevent it?

    Nah, can't be, impossible. Pastor said that's all hogwash.
  7. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    Oh crap, I stick my head back in the door, and it's the "Cowbell to Canada" threat! Don't let the Republicans find out about this; they'll run Oral Roberts' corpse.

    (Maybe that's what Simon's shooting for...)
  8. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    Orel Robert?
  9. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    Dole's nickname.
  10. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    Fixed just for you, Simon my boy.

    And I wish I had a nickle for every guy and gal on both sides of the aisle who was 'going to leave the country if...'
  11. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    Gosh, I've just realized a dream I've had for months, to be edited by Simon.

    Note to self: for the thrill of chastisement by an expert, write in haste more often.

  12. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Back to the true topic. No, Al Queda does not eat its children. It straps bombs on them and sends them into crowds of innocent folk. No citing of polls needed.
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