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Al Queada eating children?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Smallpotatoes, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    Why do you continue to point to a poll that doesn't address the statement. Stop using the word "blame". That isn't what old_tony said. This isn't spin, this is sticking to the damn facts of people that like to lie their ass off and fling shit, you included.

    Old_tony said "Liberals think Bush killed people". That's it. That's the plain English of it all. Prove it.

    Old_Tony obviously can't or he would be here doing so. You, on the other hand, keep pointing to a poll that shows Americans blaming the president for not doing enough and say "see!" Now, stop pointing and the sun and calling it a moon and back the crap you spew up.
  2. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    "A significant portion of the left now believes Bush either knew about 9/11 or even had something to do with it."

    Since you seem to have trouble with that (since this is the second time I'm posting against the same link), let me make OT's statement simpler:
    Lefties believe Bush had specific information about 9/11 before it happened and let thousands of people die anyway.
    Lefties believe Bush was behind 9/11 and murdered thousands of people.
  3. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Pastor, let's take baby steps -- What is another way of saying "BUSH HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT?"
  4. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    So the Harris Poll, which held that 68 percent of Democrats believe the Bush administration didn't do all it reasonably could to stop 9/11 is irelevant to this discussion? You really are clueless.

    If you believe the Bush administration didn't do what it could to stop 9/11 that means you believe one of two things (1) the administration knew about it and didn't care to stop it or (2) was in on it.

    The Harris poll is on point and no amount of spin and whining and trying to rip me is going to get you out of this. You are dead to rights and you know it.
  5. Boomer7

    Boomer7 Active Member

    Krugman's mainstream -- what's the most outrageous thing he said about Bush and 9/11?

    Meanwhile, you're being incredibly disingenuous here. It's one thing to say Bush didn't do enough to prevent the attacks; it's quite another to say he's complicit in them.

    Bush didn't do enough. Clinton didn't do enough (did Harris do a poll asking people if the Clinton administration had done enough? Just wondering what the response would have been from the right...). The FBI and CIA sure as hell didn't do enough. Dick Clarke didn't do enough. The list goes on. Doesn't mean they all conspired to bring down the towers. You know that, so don't act like you don't.
  6. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    How about this?


    22% of democrats believe he knew in advance and 22% "don't know". That's 44%. But even 22% qualify as "a significant" amount. And I'd say it's about 80% of the lefties here but that's just anecdotal.
  7. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Sorry, dude, I was outside washing the car. Didn't know I needed to clear it with you first.
  8. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    22% does NOT equal "a significant portion". That is a minority a fairly insignificant minority. That is the type of percentage that thinks no matter what Bush does, it will be wrong. That is why Bush has 26% approval ratings now. That is the percentage that believes no matter what he does, it will be right.
  9. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    What about 68 percent, or I know, the old Fenian excuse -- that's different because IT IS JUST DIFFERENT.

    I'll say it again for the cheap seats -- If you believe that the Bush administration didn't REASONABLY (word which was in the question) do enough to prevent the attacks -- you must either believe he had knowledge of them beforehand and didn't care or he was in on it himself.
  10. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    See, I really do hate repeating things over and over and over again.

    If someone robs a store and I say, "You could have done more to stop it." It does NOT mean that I knew someone was going to rob the place. It specifivially doesn't mean I knew someone would rob it on that day. It actually just means "by not installing a video camera, you have increased your risk of robbery."

    So, no matter how many times you post it (and 68% is a made up number on your part) it just doesn't apply.
  11. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    US population is now over 300 million. The country's divided pretty much half and half based on the last few elections. So that's 22% of roughly 150 million.

    22% of democrats adds up to millions (3.3 million if you must know). That's pretty damn significant, expecially since I'm only using the 22% number and not the 44% or 68% numbers that you could easily extrapolate..

    You don' t think that's significant?

    Where did you stand the other day when Fenian thought a leaderless group of 10 to 15 was enough to paint all Christians?
  12. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Once again -- and I hate repeating myself -- 68 percent is not made up on my part it is from the Harris interactive poll which I posted -- I know you'd like so badly to believe that but it is not it is from a Harris interactive poll which I posted -- you are comparing apples to oranges.

    Preventing robbing a store and having the intelligence to stop a terrorist act, which the same Harris Poll found 61 percent of Democrats believe Bush did -- did you read that one or ignore it too?),are not close to the same thing.

    I know it is tough for a snot-nose like you to understand when you are soundly defeated in a discussion that arguing more and changing your arguments don't change the facts that you are wrong.

    You asked me to produce a poll which suggests a significant amount of Democrats knew about 9/11 before it happened and I have. I have produced three polls now and you still are trying to spin your wheels and run your mouth.

    Just like when I used the US Census Bureau's own numbers to prove my point about how much we actually pay in taxes and for whatever reason, that still wasn't good enough for you.

    You are wrong on this it is time to move forward.
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