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All-purpose college basketball thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Oz, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    And the Longhorns are 11 for 13 overall from the 3-point line. It's not just Durant, though he's simply unreal.
  2. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    And in mid-high profile coaching news, Ray Giacoletti 'resigned' at Utah after just three years.

    Early wish list among locals has Mike Montgomery at the top.
  3. AgatePage

    AgatePage Active Member

    54 points on Kansas? In a half? At Allen? Oh man ...

    And has Wisconsin hit the wall? They are having a fit again with Michigan State. At home.

    It's that wonderful time of the year when basketball becomes the mistress, keeping me from doing anything besides work and sleep. Huzzah.
  4. CradleRobber

    CradleRobber Active Member

    I think I just threw up a little.

    Fuck Kevin Durant.
  5. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    Can Texas keep up this pace in the second half?

    I don't see how.
  6. CradleRobber

    CradleRobber Active Member

    Not a chance. And it's Allen Fieldhouse.
  7. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    Nice comeback by Kansas.
  8. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    I'll start smiling once the Jayhawks take the lead. Until then, it's guarded optimism.
  9. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    Still too early yet.
  10. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    At least the crowd isn't silent anymore.
  11. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    Texas up by 1 now.
    But, "the Longhorns have yet to convert on a FG in this half."
    Niiiiice. That's the way to win ball games.
  12. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Well, they were due to cool down some from that first half, because I don't think they could have been any hotter in the first 20 minutes.
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