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All-purpose college basketball thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Oz, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    But we don't want the Longhorns to win the ball game, Sxy.
  2. CradleRobber

    CradleRobber Active Member

    As long as they keep Durant from touching the rock this half, I'm happy.

    My parents haven't seen my in front of the TV during a Kansas game in about a full year. They forgot the intensity I bring to the living room.
  3. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    Says who?
    I like Rick Barnes. He's pretty fly for a white guy.
  4. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    Says who?

    Says I, who is revealing his looser fanboy status for the ’Hawks.
  5. CradleRobber

    CradleRobber Active Member

    Durant is down!
  6. SoSueMe

    SoSueMe Active Member

    Durant just went down.

    Ugly ankle injury.

    EDIT: CR, you beat me by a second! But I said what the injury is. ;)
  7. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    Uh oh. Durant crying.
  8. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    Shit. That's not good.
    Hate to see anyone get injured.
  9. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    Rick Barnes just threw up.
  10. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    Is that DJ Augustin or Jameer Nelson?
  11. hoopswriter

    hoopswriter Member

    sounds like a great game between kansas and texas, but it can't be the scintilating action of a Wisconsin-Michigan State 32-31 game midway through the second half
  12. AgatePage

    AgatePage Active Member

    it is a stunning resemblance, no?
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