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All-purpose college basketball thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Oz, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. John

    John Well-Known Member

    It was 41-29 at the half. Bama cut it to 43-41 with 17 minutes left, but State killed 'em the rest of the game.

    Kinda sad seeing Ole Miss and Miss. State celebrating sharing the West title with 8-8 records.

    Yeah! We won half our games!!!
  2. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Thinking about it some more, I think Jared Dudley is my ACC POY. His team finished better than Thornton's, granted with more help. Similar stats, but Dudley averaged about 7 more minutes per game than Thornton.
  3. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I dunno. Greenberg went 8-8 with basically this same team two years ago before going through all the turmoil last year. VT was too inconsistent for him to be coach of the year. The coach of the year doesn't lose that game on his home floor with a conference title at stake.
  4. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    Perhaps its because as the SEC West's 5th seed, Bama gets Kentucky in the first round.
  5. BigRed

    BigRed Active Member

    After watching a replay, it looked like Hamilton didn't have control of the ball until he hit the floor for the last time. Also might have been tripped.
    Big win for Clemson, but the Hokies missed a major opportunity today.
    Tigers still need a win (or two) in the ACC Tourney to go dancin'.
  6. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Good to see Coach K handling this with class. From Pat Forde's column ...


    "The game was over before that," he said. "I mean the outcome of the game, let's put it that way. That's unfortunate, too, that those people were in the game in that play. Maybe this wouldn't have happened."

    So there. Hansbrough had it coming for playing mop-up minutes in a double-digit win.

    For the record, Krzyzewski later said, "We should have probably both had our walk-ons in."

    Also for the record, Krzyzewski was calling timeout with 50 seconds left and his team down by 13. So he clearly didn't think it was walk-on time at that point.
  7. Jesus, that's awful.
    It's also to be expected.
  8. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Anyone else think he reeked of a bit of phoniness when he hinted that Henderson might be suspended longer than the one automatic game? I suppose that would happen ONLY if Duke somehow lost to NC State this week, and then still drew a total patsy next week in the first round. Otherwise he ain't doing that.
  9. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Seriously, as cowardly as Henderson's act appeared, and as phony as Coach Kredit Kard came across in his post game comments, I think Billy Packer wins the award for biggest fucking tool in this situation. It's absolutely embarrassing to hear him blather on about how Henderson was just trying to block Hansborough's shot.

  10. Elliotte Friedman

    Elliotte Friedman Moderator Staff Member

    His congratulating Duke for "playing hard to the end" was even worse.
  11. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Sorry, folks. I did not think it was an intenional shot. Henderson flailed wildly as the ball was being knocked out of Hansbrough's hands from behind by whoever No. 51 is.
    Had the ball not been knocked loose, Henderson's "swing" would have swatted the ball, not Hansbrough's nose.
  12. ondeadline

    ondeadline Well-Known Member

    I don't think there was an intent to injure in the foul.

    By the way, Roy Williams said after the game that Hansbrough's nose wasn't broken. Turns out he does have a small nondisplaced fracture and will play with a protective mask.
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