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All-purpose college basketball thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Oz, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. It was a highly mediocre group outside the top 4 last year. The only team that had a case was Florida State. OK, so one team from the ACC (a team with less than 20 wins) got left out last year. BFD. It still gets preferential treatment every year.
  2. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    The SEC this year is exactly like last year's ACC. Only four teams deserve to be in. I'm pretty sure five will get in from the SEC, but only four really deserve it.
  3. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    If a 7-9 team gets in from the ACC, it usually has a lot to do with numbers vs. the RPI top 50, strength of schedule, etc. It has nothing to do with preferential treatment. When you have seven or eight Top 50 teams in your league, SOS is automatically going to be stronger, etc. All I'm saying is that no one goes in that room and says "well, NC State won, so we CAN'T take more than seven from the ACC, so Georgia Tech is screwed." It doesn't work that way. And if you believe it does, then you're the one who is naive.
  4. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Last year Maryland had 20 wins and won an ACC Tourney game after going 8-8 in conference. Still ended up in the NIT, and you can count on one hand the number of times that's happened before. The ACC isn't automatically fellatioed by the committee. Though the reason so many teams get in the tournament historically is because it's always among, if not the best conference in the ncaa.
  5. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    No joke. Take one look at last year. If the ACC were getting its a_s kissed like everyone thinks, more than four would have gotten in last year.

    Maryland, 20 wins, a win in the ACC Tourney. No dice. (Hello, Headbutt!)

    To clarify, only four "earned" bids last year. None of the others did much of anything to present a case.
  6. accguy

    accguy Member

    For what it's worth, I just composed my field for my paper. I have Illinois, Purdue, Old Dominion, Drexel and K-State in. Florida State, West Virginia, Stanford, Arkansas, Texas Tech, Missouri State and Air Force go to the NIT
  7. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I definitely think FSU should be in the NIT. Just not enough meat on that resume.
  8. I don't think it works that way at all. I don't think either team should be in. There are several deserving mid-majors that are better than N.C. State, Florida State and Georgia Tech. But since those three are from the by-God best damned conference in sports, they'll certainly get more consideration than they deserve.
  9. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Who is arguing for NC State or Florida State to get in? I'm not, and I haven't seen many other people either. If the Noles had beaten UNC then sure. But not now. And Georgia Tech is absolutely in. The sixth place team in the best conference in the land, with some big wins including over a likely one seed Carolina. Hell I'd take Tech before Duke.
  10. accguy

    accguy Member

    when you sit down and truly try to project the field, it's really hard this year. It's like the field needs to be about 58 teams or about 75.

    I got down to about 16 teams for eight or so spots and all 16 have some flaws.
  11. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    I more or less agree with your ins and outs. Especially Drexel. I still see the Dragons getting in.
  12. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    N.C. State and FLorida State should be off the board, period. Neither deserve merit.

    Shit, Virginia's RPI is 54 ... that's really low for a team that finishes top 4 in the ACC. GT is 52. Missouri State is 38, and again, last year showed that RPI numbers won't be taken at gospel.

    MSU is 3-6 vs. Top 50
    GT is 8-7
    Virginia is 7-4
    Bradley is 2-8
    Drexel is 2-4

    The committee wants to see accomplishment against elite teams, and that's what the mid-majors lacks for the most part.

    I think Drexel and ODU both deserve to be in, but the committee might not see it the same way.

    So who is the WTF? team of the year, like Utah State and Air Force were last year?
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