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All-Purpose Hockey Thread II

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MertWindu, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Peterborough's struggling this year so they'll definitely miss him.

    The rest of the Eastern Conference in the OHL won't.
  2. Dude

    Dude Well-Known Member

    He's the team's best penalty killer and not only because of all his short-handed goals. He breaks up passes and forechecks really well. He could win the Selke a few times before his career is done.
  3. ondeadline

    ondeadline Well-Known Member

    He's the team's best penalty killer and not only because of all his short-handed goals. He breaks up passes and forechecks really well. He could win the Selke a few times before his career is done.

    He blocked his brother's shot during a Pens PK on Oct. 14.
  4. Beef03

    Beef03 Active Member

    Canucks Dave Nonis has his panties in a twist over NHL free agency and the schedule:


    I can totally understand his problems with the schedule, but he has to realize that without those concessions in free agency that we still wouldn't be playing hockey. As well It just means he has to do a better job of managing his own resources and and make some tough decisions. If Pittsburgh wants to blow their wad on three forwards like Tampa did there's nothing stopping them from doing that. As well, just because you lose a plyer to free agency doesn't mean you can't replace him with another young free agent. It's called having a good scouting and management staff.
  5. Vic Mackey

    Vic Mackey Member

    What Nonis isn't saying is that the owners wanted the new schedule to cut down on travel costs.
  6. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    It turns out Evgeni Malkin does not yet hold the NHL record for most consecutive games with a goal at the start of his career -- but he could claim a share of it on Wednesday night.

    The record is six games and is currently held by three people who, coincidentally, did it during the same season. What's more, the standard couldn't possibly be older than it is:

    If he scores, the gifted rookie would be the first player with goals in his first six NHL games since the NHL's inaugural season in 1917-18, when it was done by Joe Malone, Newsie (sic) Lalonde and Cy Denneny.


    It'd be pretty cool to watch the matching and breaking of an 89-year-old record. Wayne Gretzky still holds 60 or so league scoring records but I don't think he ever broke one that had been set in 1917-18.
  7. Double J

    Double J Active Member

  8. Flash

    Flash Guest

    From what I've read ... not like any of us ever saw them play! ... that's impressive company. One of my favourite reads of all time is Hockey Night in the Dominion of Canada. It's a fictionalized account of the NHL's beginnings in Renfrew and it tells the story of Lalonde, Malone, the Patrick brothers and all the originals. If you can find a copy of it, I recommend it.

    Sigh ... two from Zednick and two from Zubrus means the Flames lose again. Are we back to the mid-90s?
  9. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

  10. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Oh, oh, Eddie the Eagle's at it again David Shoalt's column in today's Globe.


    Forget about the so-called goaltender controversy with the Toronto Maple Leafs. It's a media-driven deal that does not amount to anything.

    For a real goaltender controversy look south to Florida, where the Panthers are trying to slam the door shut on an incident in which one of their goaltenders, former Leaf Ed Belfour, was admittedly responsible for having their other goaltender, Alexander Auld, taken to the hospital for several stitches over his right eye in the wee hours last Friday.

    Here's my favorite bit of tongue-in-cheek:

    The team held its practice as usual on Friday on Long Island. The beat reporters noticed that Auld slunk into the dressing room with a tuque pulled down over his eyes, but were unaware of the drama in the hotel lobby.

    This is not unusual, since everyone knows sportswriters do not frequent bars, nor do they keep late hours. But after practice, the Panthers closed their dressing room to the media. A team functionary said "bags" were being moved around in the room.
  11. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    JR saw them play. ;D
  12. Flash

    Flash Guest

    ROFLMAO!! JR, you old dog, you. Got any good autographs? :D
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