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All-Purpose Hockey Thread II

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MertWindu, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    And Ladouceur got gassed last year as the coach of the Oshawa Generals.
  2. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Forgot about that one.

    That said, you have to hand it to Maurice--both these guys were on the team that went to the Cup final a few years back. Whatever you think of Maurice, you can't question his loyalty.
  3. ondeadline

    ondeadline Well-Known Member

    Hiring Ladouceur is loyalty to a fault. He's a liability on the bench.
  4. Beef03

    Beef03 Active Member

    One of the worst calls I have ever seen. Only thing that kept me from throwing a lamp through the TV was the fact I didn't see the play as it happened and was busy winnign $360 in poker. Absolutely brutal. They keep getting fucked on these late BS calls, first time really this year but it happened twice at the end of last year when they were fighting for a playoff spot, and knowing the Oilers they will be fighting for a playoff spot until the final day of the season once again, and this is a point that could come back to really haunt them.
  5. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Beef, you won $360.00 on a poker hand you give a shit about one call?

    And your post is coming very close to looserfanboy whining. :)
  6. Beef03

    Beef03 Active Member

    At the time of winning in poker, I really couldn't have cared about the call. It was just in the day or two after the glow of winning had wore off that the call has started to piss me off.
    And the loserfanboy whining? would you expect anything else from me when it comes to the Oilers? :)
    Regardless, it was a BS call. I have never even seen a hand pass called off of a faceoff like that in any level, let alone to wait for a time like that to call it. The NHL had already phoned Kevin Lowe before he was able to get down to the dressing room from the press box after the game to apologize.
  7. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Beef, they'll always call a hand-pass off the face-off. Problem is, there wasn't and McGeough admitted it later.

    IF the Oilers don't make the play-offs by a point, you'll sound like even a BIGGER looser fanboy if you bring up the call at the end of the season.
  8. Beef03

    Beef03 Active Member

    I don't know, I still can't recall a hand pass like that off the faceoff. Maybe I've just never really noticed it before and had it stuck with me.
    And when it comes to the Oilers I fully admit my looserfanboydom.
  9. KJIM

    KJIM Well-Known Member

    I e-mailed them. Their response:
    We'd looked forward to
    presenting some of the real virtues of Columbus to our 4 million monthly
    readers, and feel our story still does that abundantly. We're very sorry,
    though, that a last-minute change to the story wasn't the right one, and,
    just like a hockey player after a hard hit, we're coming off the rink with
    our eye slightly blackened.
  10. SoSueMe

    SoSueMe Active Member

    Is there a way to find out ahead of time which officials are doing the game?

    Yes, I know there are game notes for us media type. But I'm going as a *ahem* paying spectator tomorrow.
  11. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    Never. Which is part of why I was pissed when the Canes canned him. It was nothing more than Jim Rutherford covering his a_s when he pushed the panic button, conducted a fire sale of the '02 roster and expected Mo to piece together what was left.

    Peter Laviolette did, but the lockout was a big help as well.
  12. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    It was hard to be impressed with the Pens on Monday because they spent so much time on the penalty kill. The trip of Selanne in OT was a horses*** call by the refs. I'm no Pens fan, but that was a bogus call. The Ducks were able to eke it out.

    Other thoughts:

    For the Ducks, Pronger seemed very lethargic throughout the game. I am impressed with Kunitz and McDonald. Scott Niedermayer continues to show why he's one of the better leaders on the ice.

    For the Pens, I was surprised to see Thibault get the start. The Pens had a day off before this game so why not start MAF? Sat with some Pens fans (there were lots of them) and all of them are jazzed about the season and the young guys. Crosby showed flashes of why he's so solid and Malkin didn't get much of a chance to impress, at least on this night. Would love to see the Pens in person again and wish I'd been able to see them against the Kings or Sharks but that's all I'll see of them this year, at least in SoCal.
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