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All-Purpose Hockey Thread II

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MertWindu, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    If the weather is half decent, I'll be there. :)

    Logan Couture, who has five goals and seven points in his last four games, also won't be there despite being rated by some as the most complete prospect eligible for next year's NHL draft, more complete than Angelo Esposito. He wasn't even invited to the summer camp -- anybody know why?
  2. Sea Bass

    Sea Bass Well-Known Member

    I'd guess it's because it's rare to see a 17-year-old invited in the first place, especially when he's missed a good chunk of the season to mono. There are plenty of young guns to step in, if Hockey Canada decides they absolutely have to have an heir apparent or two on the team.
  3. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Double J. Don't know. Couture is ranked second behind Sam Gagner in Central Scouting's preliminary report (for CHL players only).

    Hard to know. I mean, Wolski wasn't invited last year primarily because Sutter was stacking the team with WHL players. And he had a bad summer camp.

    Forecast is for -1C and snow or rain on Wednesday (Shelburne forecast)
  4. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    College Street at Dovercourt, right? I know that's west of Yonge, because College becomes Carlton at that point, but roughly how far west?
  5. friend of the friendless

    friend of the friendless Active Member

    Mr J,

    Couture would have been competing for top billing at the summer 18s but at the last scrimmage of their camp--five seconds to go--he took a pretty horrific cut around his kneecap, 30+ stitches done right on the bench. (I almost tossed when I saw the scar.) Third last shift, assist. Second last shift, goal. Last shift, a pint of blood, a handshake and a see-you-later. Tough. Then mono. I saw him two weeks ago, he looked terrible. Maybe he's playing well now but too late--his not going is best for the team, best for Ottawa and, I'll bet, best for him. He's not close to 100 percent.

    YHS, etc
  6. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    Couture's time will come. The WJC remains a tournament for 19-year-olds, although I wouldn't be surprised to see Tavares make it. Great hands, unreal shot.

    Mr. Friend O', who will be between the pipes for this team? No incumbents but I'd go with Price and Bernier.
  7. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Do you freaking believe this? Guess who's returned to the Philadelphia Flyers -- and with a promotion, no less:

    Bobby's back, y'all!

    "Bob's experience as a player and general manager over the last 37 years is invaluable," Flyers GM Paul Holmgren said.

    "This is a way to keep Clarkie involved in the organization and utilize the knowledge that he has gained over the years. He is a tremendous resource that we can call upon. We should take advantage of that and Bob is certainly willing to help out the organization any way that he can," he said.

    And get this -- in his new role, he'll be monitoring player development. I need a barf bag. :-X
  8. Flash

    Flash Guest

    The Don Hay effect is still working, eh? Three Giants headed to tryout camp. The man just seems to know how to recruit them or develop them. Hopeless at the pro level, though.
  9. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    Quick question: Scott Burnside pumped out one of those "nothing has changed but let's update anyway" stories on ESPN.com (Not a dig on Burnsy, I appreciate the work, there's just no real news to mention), and he brings up the fact that they're looking at moving the Happy Feet to southern Ontario, but still trying to avoid the Leafs' and Sabres' territories. Anyone know exactly the delineation of the territories? As in, which So. Ont. city might fall outside of them?
  10. SoSueMe

    SoSueMe Active Member

    Hamilton is BARELY (and I mead dental floss barely) outside (or inside) the boundary of Buffalo.

    Buffalo brass always argues Hamilton is in their market and Hamilton folks always argue they are outside the market. It's that close. It actually dependson which roads you take to the arena in Buffalo ... OR ... if you use just a direct line from Buffalo's arena door to Hamilton city limits.

    As for Toronto. Guelph, Waterloo, Kitchener are all in a similar boat. They are to Toronto what Hamilton is to Buffalo.

    VERY congested down that way.
  11. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    Of course, the Leafs can claim all of Canada as their territory, but...
  12. SoSueMe

    SoSueMe Active Member

    Hey Mert, bite your tongue!

    They can claim it, but they'd be wrong.

    LOTS of resentment (read: hatred) of the Big Smoke out West.
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