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All Purpose NBA Thread I

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Angola!, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    You like points? You like no defense? Turn on TNT right now, the Grizzlies and Suns are scoring like there's no tomorrow. Both teams in the sixties with over two minutes to go in the first half Suns already have double-digit three's.
  2. Kable

    Kable Member

    My fantasy team. ;D
  3. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    What's amazing is the refs called less than 40 fouls in a game where the teams combined to shoot 174 times (58 3pt attempts)
    The Girzzlies shot 15 of 17 from the line. Gilbert MVP Arenas, in dropping 51 Monday, went 16 of 17
  4. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Not sure where this belongs, but I loved this Q&A about Richard Jefferson's black eye from Dave D.'s fantastic Nets blog:

    Mr. D: You didn’t seem to put much into the RJ black eye story, why?
    John D.

    Mr. D Yerself: If you don’t have a fact or knowledgeable testimony to support a claim, there’s no story, period. Some publications may think otherwise, but that’s confusing news with gossip. I can tell you about the former, but the latter is not my bailiwick -- I’m not a gossip “reporter,” never had much use for them, and I can’t even look at that Musto guy on Olbermann without leaping for the remote, cringing as I thumb-smash the CH-UP button. But I know that there has to be a line somewhere between legitimate news and manufactured rubbish, and somewhere along the way – even long before the Australian Taliban took over Fleet Street – they decided that the line can be moved to suit their purposes. And everybody is guilty of it. Even the Times somersaulted over the line with undoubtedly the dumbest story I’ve ever read – their laughingly inept look at the Clinton marriage – and that’s just the way things are now in this age of shrinking readership. Sometimes the Gray Lady even takes her lead from the tabloids – note her reaction last year to the Page 6 scandal, which was the essence of how the gossip tableau is filled with corrupt, irresponsible morons. They ran it daily, usually above the fold, showing their true colors in black and white. It just reminded me of that line from the great Murray Kempton: “The Times,” he once said, “likes to portray itself as being above the fray, but it has never stopped the Times – once the battle has been fought – from sneaking onto the battlefield and shooting the wounded.”
  5. tonight's Greg Oden classic involves the Sixers and the Grizz...if the Sixers find a way to win this one, I'm going to be HEA. TED.
  6. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    Very good Lakers vs. Spurs game going on right now. Of course, the game is featuring Kobe MVP Bryant(hey habbot ;))
    The Lakers just made a big run in the final minute of the 3rd to take the lead.
    73, 71 Lakers.
  7. WSKY

    WSKY Member

    No Webber tonight, Piss-tons lose again.
  8. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    F*** the Lakers
  9. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    I like the NBA, but I get pissed off at the NBA Cares promos they have to run at least once during every game. I understand why they do it, but there's a time and a place for that, and it's called NBA Access with Ahmad Rashad.
  10. hachat11

    hachat11 Member

    Lakers looked good last night - Kobe and Phil Jackson are doing an incredible job leading that team - but San Antonio looks a little off these days.
    Sure the Spurs will still be a top 4 team in the West at the end, but Bowen looks two steps slower defensively (Bryant drove by him like he was standing still several times), Ginobli doesn't look the same and their role guys (Horry, Barry, Finley) don't seem the same.

    I'm still impressed with the Lakers, who might have the deepest team in the West (other than the Mavs, perhaps) once Odom and Kwame return. Guys like Walton, Farmar, Radmanovic, Evans and others continue to play big off the bench.
    Of course, I fully expect the Mavs to win tonight. Those back-to-backs with the Spurs and Mavs are killers.
  11. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Shouldn't LeBron James be averaging a double double by now? 6-7 rebounds a game for him is weak. At 6-8 240 of sculpted muscle, he should be more dominant inside.
  12. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Holy crap, was that Jerry Stackhouse singing the national anthem? Not bad at all.
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