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All Purpose NBA Thread I

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Angola!, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Garnett sucks, I bet Minnesota can lose in the first round with him and without him
  2. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    I'll say this about the NBA and it's "fighting techniques". Fighting in the NBA isn't the same as fighting in the NHL and other sports. You don't have pads or anything like that. You're going all out knuckle on face. I'm sure after watching what happened with Rudy Tomjanovich, NBA players would be a little hesitant after throwing a punch.
    Here's an example. It was the fight between Shaq and BMiller. If Shaq had landed that punch on Miller's face, Miller would be done(watch the whole thing).
  3. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Agreed. One thing's for sure with 'Sheed, you always know what you're going to get. He never disappoints. :)
  4. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Mark This Date, 1-20-07, The Washington Wizards have the best record in the Eastern Conference of the NBA ( or the JV Conference if you are SAS)

    Arenas, Jamison & Butler are the best teammate trio in the league, DeShawn Stevenson & Antonio Danils are nice to very good role players, and Brendon Haywood is actually playing good basketball.

    LeBron has a triple double and his team gets hummed.
    Yessir, this is a good day.
  5. fever_dog

    fever_dog Active Member

    that's awesome that it took the wizards half a season to get the top spot in the east. great accomplishment. will they hold off the magic, or fall to second place in the southest like they were four days ago?

    and the best teammate trio in the league is nash, amare and marion.
  6. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    JR Smith, AI, and Carmelo Anthony is gonna' be something too. But yeah, I'd have to take Nash,Amare, and Marion. Hell, I'd take Amare and Nash alone. That pick and roll that they do is almost unstoppable.
  7. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    Imagine if 'Bron played for the Wizards. That would be one hell of a team.
  8. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the whole Kermit-RudyT thing was so bad because Tomjanovich had NO IDEA the punch was coming. Lately, NBA fights are all about getting in someone's face, pushing him and then throwing a bunch of weak-ass punches while backpedaling and not making any contact, whatsoever.

    And, if running backwards ever becomes an Olympic sport, we are going to fucking dominate. THAT will be a Dream Team that brings home some bling.

    Edit: And as Todd Fedoruk can attest, hockey fights are CERTAINLY knuckle-on-face. He's got the plates in his face to prove it.
  9. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    True true. But let's not get all worked up and say all NBA players are pussies. I don't care what you tell me, I am NOT getting in a fight with Ben Wallace.
  10. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    I'd never throw a blanket statement like that out there. I'm just stunned that one guy I always thought to be one of the ultimate "DO NOT FUCK WITH" guys would pull a half-Melo when it was time to throw down.
  11. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    L'Bron is going to be another Kevin Garnett, great individual talent, will never have a good team around him and will never develop into a great team player. When L'Bron is in his early 30's, if he's still playing, and with another team, he may end up with a ring, but not as the center attraction.
  12. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    No, I don't think so. If anything, Arenas more of a center attraction then 'Bron. 'Bron can actually dish the ball.
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