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All-purpose, running Geek thread (formerly Battlestar Galactica thread)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Piotr Rasputin, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    That is a good point. Villains have been the weakest part of the MCU and Fox has badly bungled Dr. Doom. Putting the character back in Marvel's hands seems like a solution to both problems.

    That said, I would also very much like to see what the MCU could be with all of its toys available.
  2. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    So, is everyone just expecting Justice League to suck? It seems like it has zero buzz.

    I got my tickets last night, and the opening day IMAX matinee had 90 percent of the theater empty.
  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I'm the target audience and unless my daughter wants to see it, I doubt I will bother until it is out on DVD or HBO.
  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    It's weird. I've seen every Marvel movie except Thor 2 and Doctor Strange, and missing those was mostly because I missed them in the theater and just haven't stumbled across them elsewhere. It wasn't for a lack of desire. Looking down the line, I'm at least mildly interested in every other movie they've announced.
    But the DCU? Meh. I caught a bit of Batman vs. Superman on cable in a hotel one night, but I haven't seen any of the other movies and don't have a real desire to.
    It looks too overstylized and dark, like an overproduced music video. All of the fight scenes seem to be at night so they can use the cool backdrop of a brooding sky. Compare that to Marvel, which just feels brighter and more organic with its action scenes. Marvel is taking its time and trying to tell a story. DC is banging action figures together and making explosion noises before they stick an M-80 up Superman's ass.
    I might see Justice League just to see how they mesh the characters together. But I really don't care one way or the other. I'll be there for Infinity War on opening night if I can.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Same here, though I'm more of an opening weekend than opening night person. I can duck spoilers for a day or two, but that's about it.

    I did see Suicide Squad in the theater, but that was because my daughter wanted to go. My wife actually took her to see Wonder Woman without me, though that was because I was recovering from foot surgery and wasn't up to a trip to the theater yet. I heard good things, so I'm going to rent it from Redbox soon.

    Thor 2 has been on cable a lot lately. Dr. Strange is on Netflix.
  6. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    Finally saw Ragnarok and I have to say, it was pretty damn awesome. Definitely up there for me in regards to the MCU. Fun time.
  7. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    My Brother-in-Law, whose opinion on comic book movies I respect greatly, loved Justice League. He said it was the first DC movie that had any sense of fun. There were issues with it (he didn't elaborate because he knows I hate spoilers), but he said it was miles better than BvS, Man of Steel or Suicide Squad.

    Still, it was the lowest opening weekend gross for any DC movie, which seems just about impossible for a film starring Batman and Superman.
  8. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    This is on point.

    I'm still looking forward to Justice League, though. @outofplace and I once argued because he said DCU was accelerating its timetable too fast with BvS serving as a nominal Justice League film - the DCU analog to MCU's "The Avengers." I argued that BvS was not the analog to "The Avengers," but "Justice League" would be. Ultimately, I think OOP was on the right track, in that DCU wasn't giving its biggest characters enough room to breathe in their own films and storylines before coming together in a single film, but it sounds like Aquaman and Flash bring a lot to the table in "Justice League," which would strengthen my argument that JL serves as DCU's version of "The Avengers."
  9. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    I just saw it and it was really good. Justice League isn't as good as Wonder Woman but it struck the right notes. My biggest gripe is the CGI took you out of the movie at times. Not sure how read up on the plot of the movie so I won't give examples, but there is one glaring example that I wish was rendered better.

    I hope Warner Bros get the F out of the way and just let the rest off the DCEU happen as it needs to happen because the last two movies have been good to great and I want that to continue.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I forget exactly what I said at the time. I just thought they were mismanaging the whole thing. I knew this would be the true counterpart to Avengers, but regardless, they rushed things.

    The interesting thing is I've read comments saying that the DCEU finally got Superman right in Justice League, which would make it similar to how The Avengers finally got Hulk right. Of course, DC needs to do more with Superman. The trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman has always been DC's strength. They pretty much have to get them right.
    bigpern23 likes this.
  11. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    It's really stunning that they could open a movie with that trinity at just $96 million. Interestingly, they had preview showings on Thursday that earned $13M, which was $2M better than Wonder Woman's previews. However, Wonder Woman outgrossed Justice League by almost $8M for its opening weekend. Sounds like word of mouth was stronger for WW than JL.

    That said, most people I know who saw JL said it was the best DCEU film yet, or at least arguably as good as WW. They all said it was better than the reviews.
  12. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    If you were tell me a fricken live action Justice League movie was coming out - No. 1 I'd be there opening night and No. 2 - I'd hope it break 100M. Neither of those happened. I may wait and see if it comes to the local Speakeasy or do a matinee in the neighboring town. Previews for it just gave me a total 'meh' feeling. On the contrary, I was pretty jazzed for Suicide Squad after the trailers and that thing was a total train wreck. So, maybe, just maybe it'll be fun. Sounds like some like it. Definitely worth a viewing at some point then.
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