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All-purpose, running Geek thread (formerly Battlestar Galactica thread)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Piotr Rasputin, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. JRoyal

    JRoyal Well-Known Member

    I'd also say that the script is WAY better for "Black Panther," and the acting was a ton better, too. Part of that is that they had a little more time to let characters to develop because there weren't so many of them. I don't know if they'll get any individual Oscars outside of best adapted screenplay (which I think it will get for sure), but I'd say Michael B. Jordan is an outside contender for best supporting actor and Coogler will be tossed around for best director. No one in "Infinity War" will even be talked about for an acting award, and the Russos won't be in the running for directing either.
  2. TyWebb

    TyWebb Well-Known Member

    Well they at least deserve a blue ribbon or a pat on the back for directing that many actors across that many scenes without totally fucking it up.
  3. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    Black Panther : 2018 Oscars :: Get Out : 2017 Oscars

    And both even came out in February.
  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Agree completely. What they accomplished, and what Joss Whedon did before them with the first Avengers team-up, would have been considered impossible 15 years ago and takes a talented hand to pull off. In many ways it's as challenging a feat as there is in moviemaking, just because it's so hard to balance everything out and still create a coherent and wildly entertaining story.
    Unfortunately, the Academy doesn't seem to view it that way very often. They'd rather dredge up some 18th century Victorian period piece that 250 people at Cannes saw in a theater full of clove smoke and French farts and make it the Chosen One.
  5. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    "Get Out" was incredibly good, and I'd argue it's an "important" film, in that it will be studied in film, literature and sociology classes for years to come.

    I'm looking forward to seeing "Black Panther" when it's released on digital tomorrow.
  6. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    I don't think dump months apply to the MCU. Marvel can put a film out whenever it wants and people will see it.
    Last edited: May 8, 2018
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Deadpool and Celine Dion, because why the fuck not?
    John B. Foster likes this.
  8. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

  9. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Kamala Khan is a great character, but without a Captain Marvel who formerly went by Ms. Marvel, she loses a key part of her history. Kamala was a superhero fangirl and Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel was her favorite. There are other elements of the character that make her compelling, but it would be a shame to lose that part.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Nothing about Deadpool 2 yet? I'm going with the family tomorrow afternoon. I heard there are scenes in the middle and at the end of the credits. I've seen mixed reviews so far, which is keeping my expectations down.
  11. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I hadn't seen most of the Marvel one-shots, but I got to a few of them tonight on Youtube. This one ties into the meeting between Tony Stark and General Ross in the in The Incredible Hulk post-credits scene.

  12. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Saw it tonight. Won't spoil it, but I will say I loved the way they handled X-Force. There are also two awesome blink you'll miss it cameos that I didn't pick up on until seeing the names in the credits.
    It was good. Not quite as good as the first one, IMO, but still a great time at the movies. The second half is probably better than the first, and the credits scenes are great.

    There was an early/mid-credits scene -- which could theoretically have major implications down the road -- but there's not another one after that. However, it IS worth sticking around to hear one more go-round of one of the greatest character themes in movie history, unencumbered by dialogue and sound effects.
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