Damn, this has actually been an interesting game. Does anyone else find this Coors Light commercial kind of funny in a sick and twisted way -- marriage, and chopping off the bride's head to save beer. (An aside - A guy I know got to tickets to see Puerto Rico play in the WBC in the spring. Said the place was packed with beautiful women)
When I worked at Club Med in my pre-journalism days, I must have uttered that sentence (or the equivalent) scores of times. It's all about the bank account, sadly. (at least in most hottie-tool scenarios)
C'mon AL, spare us the sight of JAy Horwitz pathetically standing behind one of his players in the MVP ceremony.
This reminds me of the local B Division Little League game last night. Local team was down 5 runs with 2 outs in the bottom of the 6th. Then scored 6 runs to win it.