Yes, Tim, we know about Mo Rivera. Now go back to hosting your show that 2 others watch. Oh my -- Ozzie digging for gold. That shit was sick
This time it counts = a second baseman playing third and a third baseman playing first in the bottom of the 9th of a one-run game with home field advantage for the World Series at stake. Seriously, Bud, we beg of you: Eat a bowl of dicks.
So let's get this straight. The AL destroyed the NL by a count of 154-98...yet it took a two-out, none-on rally in the 9th inning of the All-Star Game to secure home field advantage for the Red Sox or White Sox or Tigers. One more time folks: Eat a bowl of dicks, Bud!!!
Jeannie Zelasko = I'd hit it I love that the All-Star Game MVP is making several million this year and gets a free truck. Good thing. How else would he get to and fro the park?
This is why something as important as home field in the world series should not be resting on what still is an exhibition game. Because of a Padre reliever whose team will have to scratch and claw just to make the playoffs, a team like the Mets might have lost their best chance to win a championship. And it's not like this had added any juice to the game anyway. The TV ratings still suck and many of the best players still opt out with injuries that might not keep them out of a regular season game in July.