Hell no... I've seen her up close. Absolutely not. There's some others I'd consider. I flip through and see some very fine-ass anchors on the Spanish TV networks.
Just make her STFU!!!! That top looks like it came from the Jillian Barberie collection.... and she's not Jillian Barberie..
Win or lose, Beltran should have been MVP for becoming the first player in at least 15 years to actually break a sweat in the All-Star Game.
Suburbia, just look at it this way -- had MLB done home field based on actual records or interleague records between the AL and NL, the Mets never would have had a shot for home field, anyway.
Soriano in '04. http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/n...&content_id=799783&vkey=allstar2004&fext=.jsp And now a threadjack. How damn desperate is Chevy? Apparently baseball, hot dogs and apple pie aren't good things to be equated to anymore. Now they want to be wrapped up with free agents, expansion teams and the Rally Monkey. That couldn't have sucked any worse for GM than if someone had mowed "Buy a Camry" into the center field grass.