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Am I the only Big Brother fan?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by GimpyScribe, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Like I said... Who can believe that ending? Holy shit!
  2. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Hey! You cheated ...
  3. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Well, I felt bad about the spoiler... As someone who rarely watches anything when it's actually on, I should have known better...
  4. Flash

    Flash Guest

    No worries ... I may not even watch the show tonight. Gotta walk the dog.
  5. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Did Janelle really just say 'I crush dreams.' What a loser ...
  6. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Oh my God ... Howie and Janelle have never heard the phrase 'pull the wool over your eyes.' How do these two wake up in the morning and remember to breathe?
  7. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Hahahhaah, flashback to Jerry not washing his hands after using the bathroom and then making the salad. Danielle had the best freakout ...
  8. kokane_muthashed

    kokane_muthashed Active Member

    "I've been HOH 3 outta 6 times."

    Gawd, I hate this bitch more than Omarosa.
  9. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Oh come on now. Janelle is just putting on an act. I think it's great fun to watch her play the bitch role. Don't take her seriously. You have to think of her as though she were playing out her twisted version of Chilltown's phone conversations.

    I'll bet money that those Chilltown boys had some laughs over the second HoH. I'm sure they just didn't air it to avoid pouring salt into wounds that might lead to some sort of litigious response.

    In any case, I'm absolutely enthralled by that last scene. Perhaps I haven't been watching closely. When did Boogie and Ms. Anorexia develop a romantic connection? Is this lady actually exchanging a sexual favor for another week under the lights? If so, that's sad. But I don't really care. I just enjoy another twist.

    Has Erica broken through Chilltown's thick layer of ice? And what will become of Chicken George? Has he succeeded in becoming the league's top free agent?

    I can't wait to find out. Somebody throw me another spoiler.
  10. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I can't believe all of the Janelle hatred... She's a good player...

    She has the biggest target of anyone in the house and will probably be gone the next time someone other than Season 6 or Chilltown wins HOH. Even as much as James hates her, I don't see him putting her up...

    Get rid of Dani, Erika, Chicken George, and Marcellus and things will get really, really interesting...
  11. kokane_muthashed

    kokane_muthashed Active Member

    Yeah, I thought that was an interesting last scene. Just thrown in there. I hope someone wins Veto or the Cout de Tat. I don't want to see either Dani or Erika gone. I hope Chicken George goes somehow. He's not a dangerous player, I'm just tired of watching him.
  12. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Yeah, Chicken George serves no purpose in that house...
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