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Am I the only Big Brother fan?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by GimpyScribe, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. kokane_muthashed

    kokane_muthashed Active Member

    I wish someone in the house would pop those fake-ass water balloons on Erika's chest. They are just nasty!
  2. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Bahahahahahahahaha, the closing phone bit was hilarious!
  3. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    I'm so glad Danielle will be leaving....I can't stand her!!!!
  4. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    No shit... I think at this point I would be happy with just about anyone winning other than her...
  5. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    She's as evil as anyone but carries on as if the game is really below her, and at any moment she has the ability to remove them from the house.

    Plus, she also kisses the HOH's ass every week. Boogie wins HOH, Danielle practically tackles him, same when Erika won. But the worst, was when Danielle won HoH....Erika handed that to her, and yet Danielle jumps around and screams....
  6. GoZags!!

    GoZags!! Member

    it certainly was.
    I am really eager to see how they're going to do two live evictions Thursday.
  7. Space Monkey

    Space Monkey Member

    That was sad. Just like Janelle celebrating after screwing over James in the veto competition.

    I still think Mike (I hate calling him "Boogie" because he's an Eminem wanna-be) is going to win it. Will and Erika will help him all the way, plus he's capable of winning HoH or veto competitions. (And then I'm hoping Erika — or Howie — will murder Mike during the reunion show.)

    At this point, Danielle, Janelle and Erika can't leave soon enough because they are all stupid.

    I'm rooting for George.
  8. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    + this:
    = non sequitur
  9. Flash

    Flash Guest

    That whole scene with Danielle being liquored on one glass of wine was just frightening. She's vicious. And that whole standing outside the HOH room and ringing the doorbell time after time after time was just creepy.
  10. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    No kidding.....what a freak! And you know she would have screwed over Erika the first chance she got, and then justified it by "just playing the game".
  11. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Of course she would have!!! What's that old saying but cutting the snake off at the head?
  12. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    I believe I've mentioned that I hated Danielle. I'm also glad she's gone.

    I could see the psycho in her eyes.

    She made promises to boot Mike, Will and Janelle. That's just a riot. How was it that she thought she had that kind of power when she was the one running to Chilltown for cover? And what's up with her pummeling Janelle over voting out James? I mean, everyone in the game knew that James was playing both sides. Janelle picked up on his BS a long time ago when he started voting with Chilltown instead of voting with her crew.
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