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American Idol 2012

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Gator, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Did some research. The original song came out in 1982, two years before I was born.

    So, from 1984-2006, I didn't hear it because I F**KING HATE MUSICIALS.

    Seriously. Quote me on this. I would rather blow a dude than sit through a shitty musical for three hours.

    In 2006, I was listening to the following music: Breaking Benjamin's "Phobia", Stonesour's "Come Whatever May", Flyleaf's self-titled debut album.

    In addition, I found the following links of top pop songs of 2006: http://www.musicoutfitters.com/topsongs/2006.htm; It is not on it.

    According to the song's Wiki page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_I_Am_Telling_You_I%27m_Not_Going), it peaked at #60 and # 70 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and Pop 100 charts, respectively.

    So, no, I didn't hear it.

  2. Care Bear

    Care Bear Guest

    Put your suckface on, Schieza. You just watched a two-hour musical. And reviewed it.

    Otherwise, funny stuff. I laughed out loud at your Chaka Khan description.
  3. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    No, I watched a two-hour concert/game show. There's a difference.

    Ask my wife. She thinks it's outrageous when I trash things like Grease, Annie, the Sound of Music, the Phanton of the Opera, Rent, etc.

    The absolute ONLY musical I can stand is the South Park movie and that's because I ignore the fact that that's a musical.
  4. Care Bear

    Care Bear Guest

    You like TWO musicals. This, and the South Park movie.

    The finale contained individual morons and groups of morons dancing and singing for two hours in a choreographed manner. It's a reality musical.
  5. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Perhaps I should clarify.

    This: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musical_theatre SUCKS BALLS

    This: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_television SUCKS LESS BALLS.
  6. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member


    I tuned in only for the performances, but last year's show was better. U2's Spider-Man song, Gaga, Tim McGraw and a few others blew away tonight's snoozefest. And Neil Diamond? Really? Who's booking this thing? What a geriatric finale.
  7. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Amazing to think that the Disco era is to the current AI generation what 40s swing was to the Disco era.
  8. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    I thought Neil Diamond was going to break a hip walking down those stairs.
  9. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Good review, schiezainc. I agree with most of it, particularly the Joshua/Fantasia part, which I thought was awful, even though I'm a huge fan of Ledet (I actually think he should have won the whole thing).

    Of course, I'm probably among the few who also didn't like the Jennifer Holliday/Jessica Sanchez song, either. More of just a lot of almost unintelligible/raunchy-sounding yelling -- there seemed to be a lot of that in this finale -- to me.

    I thought the little "Sing The Phone Book" thing was actually pretty good. Am I the only one who could see AT&T using that clip in some commercial, or something?
  10. Deeper_Background

    Deeper_Background Active Member

    Phillip Phillips Had Eight Operations During American Idol Run, His Father Says
    By Mia McNiece and Tim Nudd

    Thursday May 24, 2012 02:00 PM EDT

    Phillip Phillips

    Michael Becker/FOX
    Thanks for liking PEOPLE's "Phillip Phillips Had Eight Operations During American Idol Run, His Father Says". Like PEOPLE on Facebook for breaking news, celebrity pictures, exclusive deals and more!

    FacebookTweetImagine what Phillip Phillips could do if he were 100 percent healthy.

    The American Idol winner dazzled viewers all season long, despite battling chronic kidney problems – and having eight separate surgeries – since the competition began, his father told PEOPLE Wednesday after an eventful finale.

    "He's been doing [well], but it's just grueling hours and it's just amazing what he's done through the journey," said the singer's dad, also named Phillip Phillips, at the show's official Ford-sponsored after party. "Eight operations since we started American Idol ... He's hitting 50 percent, but he's still up there swinging away."

  11. MTM

    MTM Well-Known Member

    Just watched the finale and was amused that DeAndre's falsetto was even too high for the Bee Gees.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I'm half-surprised there hasn't been a spin-off show where contestants vie to be the next judge.
    Bring a random singer on and a panel of three wannabe's rip the song choice, the pitch, etc.
    Since these shows seem to spend more time on the judges, I think it's a winner.
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