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Andy Van Slyke: Barry Bonds Cost Us The 1992 NL Pennant

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Deeper_Background, Apr 22, 2011.

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  1. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    As a writer, Van Slyke is a pretty good ballplayer
  2. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    You hate him because he smokes.
  3. suburbia

    suburbia Active Member

    It's ironic that Leyland finally won a World Series because the other team's closer couldn't slam the door in the ninth inning of Game 7 and the other team's manager thought Jose Mesa could be a big time closer.
  4. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Not that bad? It was a 92-hopper. A guy with supposedly a good arm couldn't throw out Sid "Piano on the back" Bream from left field.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Saying the same thing in a different way is repetitive. Nice try. You failed, but it was a nice try.
  6. MartinonMTV2

    MartinonMTV2 New Member

    Nope. You're just too stupid to see the distinction. Way to keep up your pattern!

    The Pirates were just not that good. They could dominate a weak NL East, but that's about it. The previous two NLCS outcomes should be a giveaway for anyone other than the exceptionally dense (you). Bench, weak. Bullpen, weak.

    Now you will just put your fingers in your ears and scream, "NO! It was because Leyland was a bad manager in that series! Only that!" You are the absolute master of saying the same thing again and again. You should make use of cut-and-paste in the future.
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Wow, you really can't read at all can you? But hey, why try to be accurate when you can just cover up your failings by hurling pathetic insults at anybody who disagrees with you?

    Did I say it was all Leyland's fault? No. Not at all. Not once. In fact, I brought up Lind and Belinda earlier in the thread. But you either can't read or you are intentionally misrepresenting what I wrote. Either way, the failure is on your end.

    In both comments, you were trying to make the same argument -- that I am only criticizing Leyland because he was surly. Never mind that I don't give a shit that he is surly and I have a history of posts on this board that back up the fact that I don't let such things get in the way of my judgement. You're just going to keep trying to make that argument in the foolish hope that it will stick.

    Regarding the '92 Pirates not being good enough? They had a two-run lead going into the ninth inning of Game 7, so they certainly had a shot. The evidence just doesn't support your assertion.

    Were the Braves a better team? Sure. Of the Pirates' three consecutive NL East Championship teams, that was by far the weakest. But given how close they came to beating the Braves, your point just doesn't hold up. That is the fun of sports. Sometimes, a weaker team wins. Ask the 1960 Yankees.
  8. MartinonMTV2

    MartinonMTV2 New Member

    The 1951 Dodgers had a lead going into the ninth inning, too.

    You don't get it. No shame in just moving on. But the Pirates didn't lose because of Leyland, regardless of what you and the revisionists say.
  9. Brian

    Brian Well-Known Member

    Jose Mesa was a big-time closer, until the rape charge and trial in spring of 1997. That pretty much took the steam out of him that entire season. Mike Jackson should have been closing games for the Indians in that game.

    The 1995 or 1996 version of Jose Mesa slams the door shut.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    The truly comical part is you actually think I'm the one who doesn't get it. It's not like the Braves blew the Pirates away. The series went to the final inning of the seventh game, which pretty much proves either team was good enough to beat the other.

    My only question is if you really are too dumb to understand that or if it is simply willful ignorance on your part.

    Revisionist? I was saying Leyland was making the wrong moves as he made them. Anybody who watched that eighth inning knew Drabek was completely out of gas. Anybody who followed that Pirates team knew that Belinda was merely erratic when allowed to start an inning, worse when he had to come in with runners on.

    You are right. There would be no shame for you to simply admit that you don't know what you are talking about and move on. But that seems to be yet another thing that is beyond your capacity.
  11. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

    Oddity that may only interest me. At one point in the summer both Bream and Cabrera were playing for the Richmond Braves. They were playing up in Scranton one night and during batting practice I caught a ball hit by Bream and naturally after the game got it signed by Cabrera. Like I said, may only interest me.
  12. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    OOP vs. Martin is my new favorite board battle. I hope Martin loves baseball's financial system and is willing to opine on it.
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