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Andy Van Slyke: Barry Bonds Cost Us The 1992 NL Pennant

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Deeper_Background, Apr 22, 2011.

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  1. MartinonMTV2

    MartinonMTV2 New Member

    It was 19 years ago. I would admit freely I don't recall the entire game. I don't really care what you were doing while you were watching the game, but from your assessment, I assume your head was lodged inside a body cavity.

    I still think you are a dumbass for blaming Leyland for the team's failure to execute. The pitching had nothing to do with Lind's failure to field. The Pirates were simply not good enough to advance, just as they were not good enough with better teams the previous two years.

    I cannot make this more basic for you. If you are too much of a dumbass to grasp it, then maybe you should watch some different sports.

    Not Leyland's fault, despite how much you want to claim it was.
  2. Mark McGwire

    Mark McGwire Member

    This is a cry for help, but I can't turn away.
  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    You still don't get that I'm only saying he was partly to blame.

    You still don't get how stupid it is to say that a team wasn't good enough to win when they came within an out of doing so. They were good enough, but they didn't get it done.

    You question where my head was in 1992? I suggest you pull yours out of our own ass today.
  4. MartinonMTV2

    MartinonMTV2 New Member

    First, I don't give a shit if you said from your couch that Drabek was gassed. How in the hell would you know? Telepathy?

    I am saying the Braves were the better team in many areas. They had beaten a better Pirates team just the year before. Only in your warped, delusional world would one team stay about the same while the other team got worse, and yet somehow the worse team would be better.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    You are the one who accused me of hindsight, yet another among many inaccurate claims you have made in this little discussion of ours.

    If you have a clue what you are watching, you can tell when a pitcher is out of gas. The fact that you don't know that just displays how little you know of what you speak.

    If that wasn't enough evidence, the fact that you keep trying to paint a series that went to the ninth inning of Game 7 as some kind of mismatch shows just how lost you are.
  6. MartinonMTV2

    MartinonMTV2 New Member

    Look, stupidissimo, if the Pirates were that great, then they could have closed out the game without all the problems. Other teams do it all the time. Jack Morris pitched into the 10th in the World Series the previous year.

    The fact that your argument simultaneously includes the concepts of "Pirates, great" and "Closer MUST start the 9th inning with no one on base" does not seem to dissuade you. Stan Belinda sucked. Earth to dumbass -- maybe THAT is the reason why Drabek started the inning. Did that concept enter your peabrain when you were screaming at your NKOTB poster about Drabek still being in the game? Maybe you were more of a Saigon Kick fan -- you seem that type.

    Not. Leyland's. Fault. You. Are. A. Dumbass.
  7. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

  8. MartinonMTV2

    MartinonMTV2 New Member

    If he goes when I go, I will consider it a great victory.* But it won't happen that way.

    * Nothing here is really ever a victory.
  9. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Please note that you are the one relying on insults. Not me. I have complete faith in the mods and their ability to see that I am arguing the point while Martin is engaging in personal attacks.

    Have to admit, you are providing a tremendous amount of entertainment with your ridiculous flailing about. Now because Jack Morris went 10 innings in a World Series game, that somehow proves that Drabek had enough left in the tank to finish the game against the Braves? Never mind that they were different pitchers. Never mind that you didn't even bother to look at how many pitches each guy had thrown. Yet another in a long list of terrible arguments on your part.

    I never said those Pirates were great. That is more of you making shit up and hoping nobody noticed. I simply said that it was inaccurate to paint a series that was decided by a ninth-inning rally in Game 7 as a mismatch.

    Part of a manager's job is putting players in a position to succeed. Leyland asked Belinda to to something that he did not do well. Why is that so difficult to understand?
  10. MartinonMTV2

    MartinonMTV2 New Member

    You have an unusual definition of "insults."

    Anyway, as I expected, you failed to grasp the concept of other teams succeeding where the Pirates failed. If their closer could not shut the door, then perhaps the team was simply not good enough to advance.

    You and the other myriad knuckle-draggers here never grasp that. You always want to toss out blame and bitch. Sports don't work that way a lot of the time, and it's amazing that the stupids here can't seem to figure that out, despite years of alleged experience.

    Good of you to point out Morris and Drabek were different pitchers, though. As RFK said in The Kennedys, as usual you have an amazing grasp of the obvious that does us absolutely no good.
  11. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    You got the popcorn? I got the 3-D glasses.

    Psssst ... guys ... this long ago stopped being about the '92 Pirates and more about the fact that neither of you likes how the other one argues his points.
  12. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    I've been driving around the block over and over, wondering when the wreckage will finally be cleared.
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