That's when I normally find myself at the gym for two hours on the treadmill and stairmaster. I don't do it nearly enough so I need the pissy days to get me to the gym.
i used to hit something (not someone...something). now i don't do anything worse than yell at my car. i find as i get older (i'm 34) i get pissed off much less frequently. i guess i'm growing up or something.
Prior to my broken hand, I was up to 185 lbs. Oly squat. Pretty proud of myself. Post-injury with no gym time (and lots of pent-up frustration) for almost three months and I'm back down to 110. Should be back up in no time. Usually three sets of eight.
Well, I have in the past screamed in a pillow, many a time punched a punching bag and bottled in the anger. However, someone will know when I am pissed off with them. Not by getting angry, but ignoring them or acting like their actions didn't bother me. People closest to me know that I actually don't get that mad but paste on a big smile on my face all the time. Even when I am not happy, I do a great acting job (apparently, my nicknames are "peppy" and "sunshine" for a reason). At 4am I am the most happiest person and people cannot believe it. I am not even sober and I am smiling that early in the morning and am happy.
Sorry, Sunshine, we guys don't know that. We're not mind readers. If you plaster on a fake smile and aren't giving us grief, we figure everything is peachy keen.
You'd be surprised about how many posters on this board think they know me (even though they have never met me) and think differently.
Invest in a heavy bag for the garage and some high-impact music that you can play very loud. Works most of the time.