I usually listen to Pantera when I'm mad. It usually makes me angrier, but like a quiet angry. I don't blow up and yell very often. If I'm mad for long, I'll do some kind of physical exercise until I get tired. The anger might still be in my head, but it's not nearly as bad.
It's kind of a cliche, but most of the time I find perspective by thinking about how other people in the world have it a lot worse than me. I was a really angry child. This way is more fun. When it's really, really bad these days, though, I do push-ups or have a tasty micro-brew. Or go somewhere will no one will hear me and yell as loud as I can. But that doesn't happen very often.
anger is a leading source of self imposed death. realize 98 percent of the shit that pisses you off isn't meant as a personal attack and usually takes place because of someone else's ignorance. deal with the other 2 percent and simply move on.
Easier said than done sometimes, Tomas. I'm trying to do more to deal with it better, but I'm not always 100 percent successful.
when i'm really stressed i go for a run outdoors (treadmill won't do the trick when i'm angry) and mutter curses under my breath. Pretty sure people think i'm nuts but it works....
I think it helps to talk it out. Some nutty caller drives you crazy, joke about it with a colleague. Your boss is acting like a jerk, tell your spouse/friend, etc., etc. I get that stuff out instead of letting it fester and it just goes away.
I'm angry. I'm not just angry, but I find myself becoming quite bitter lately. In my situation, the only way to manage it all is to think about how it could be better in the future and take the steps necessary to make it happen.
here's an honest reply: focus on the fact it's not personal. it's not worth being angry at someone's stupidity. your anger does not increase idiots' IQ points.