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Anyone heard anything abou USA Voice

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by slappy4428, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    A scam perpetuated by one of the worst of the Internet scammers, too:


    By the way, I feel an odd sense of pride that this site decided to quote one of my lines.

    By the way, Moddy, this might answer your question as to why the board is seeing more guests.
  2. klaas

    klaas New Member

    I work for USA Voice, so I am glad we are creating a buzz before we even launch. Funny to see the conspiracy theories start humming.

    Just an FYI – USA Voice does not and never will charge readers or reporters.

    Should be loud!
    Should be fun!
  3. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Geez. I applied twice and got a note that someone would be in touch with me in 1-3 days... two weeks ago...
  4. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    you're not going to "charge reporters"? that's a relief... ::) the fact that you had to say that speaks volumes about your product.
  5. BarbersGmen

    BarbersGmen Member

    Good Lord, how many of us applied to this recently? I'm glad I wasn't too excited about this to begin with!
  6. klaas

    klaas New Member

    Interesting, I think it speaks volumes about how irresponsible bogging can be today. We have not even started to deliver a product yet, yet there is lready wild speculation about how it will be a scam.

    If you have any questions about USA Voice you can post them here or send me an mail at klaas@klaasdevriesjr.com

  7. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Wow, the guy from USA Voice was up at 4:17 Eastern Time this morning. What a go-getter. I suppose that he could be, like me, feeding a baby at this time. The more likely scenario, however, is that he's on another continent feeding us bullshit.

    Are we to believe that someone who has the writing skills of a 12-year-old is the genius behind the country's largest media company? I should certainly hope not.

    Klaas, a few tips that may help you land a part-time job covering the summer soccer program in Podunk:

    1. You don't write "I think" when you're expressing your opinion. We'll assume that you think everything that you say, as opposed to writing it while thinking the opposite.

    2. Spellcheck is a nifty thing that allows people who can't write complex words such as blogging and already a chance to correct their blunders. This is particularly important when you're attempting to convince professional reporters and editors that you are, in fact, not some dick preying on people's dreams.

    3. Oh, by the way, message board posting is not considered blogging, nor is it considered "bogging." That's something totally unrelated. If you had any measure of knowledge of the media world, you would know this.

    And I do have some questions. Let's start with the most basic: Can you provide some references that show your experience in the media world?
  8. klaas

    klaas New Member

    For your information I am a internationally recognized investigative reporter. A simple Google search will confirm my standing.
  9. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Maybe you need a better porn name than 'slappy'....
  10. Flip Wilson

    Flip Wilson Well-Known Member

  11. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Per the "Ron Mexico" find your own porn name thread of last fall, my porn name is Rocco Cuba....
  12. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Good start. Apply again under the name Rocco Cuba, I bet they call you right back.
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