jmac--that link is fascinating. But if the whole scam is about our friend klaas posing as the good guy and the bad guy and the victim and the savior, how do you know those posts on that site aren't more klaus? We need to get Sandy on this one right away.
Is he a member of Parliament? Is he a composer? Is he an investigative journalist of worldwide reputation? Is he the internet good guy/bad guy/sinner/savior/poet/warrior? It's like a hall of mirrors! A dutch hall of mirrors! A hall of mirrors filled with wooden shoes! Heilige moeder van god!
Anybody else received a personal message from our dear friend Klaas? Apparently, he has taken exception with my critiquing him. Here is what appeared in my inbox this morning: Hello Mr/Mrs White, I saw what's happening and decided to subscribe after all, even though I don't intend to post myself. It would be preferrable if you did not use the name Klaas to Mr Defrawy. He's only playing one of his tricky games, just for fun to see how stupid you might be. I suggest calling him all his different names like Ayman El Difrawi, Alex Simon, Alec Defrawy, also spelled Defrawi, or Michael or... etcetera Regards from Groningen, NL The one and only "real" Klaas (nom-de-plume) Klaas de Vries Jr
OK, this is getting strange. Here's what we might be dealing with in poster "klaas." -- He might be, as the site I linked to indicates, a dedicated Internet scambuster, investigating stuff like USA Voice to let the world know it's up to no good. -- He might be, as poster "klaas" indicated, an employee of USA Voice, which would seem strange, given the site attributed to him rips on USA Voice as a scam. -- He might be a big scammer himself, as some are alleging on various web sites. The bottom line, to me, is this. A company that comes out of nowhere to announce it's going to hire thousands of people should be viewed with great suspicision. Especially when you can find no background of the company -- who owns it, who runs it, who finances it, etc. Google "job scam" and you can get a lot of information about how this is the new 419 scam, now that everyone knows there really aren't thousands of dictators' relatives willing to hand you their fortunes. The scam works in getting you to apply for the job (thus turning over personal information), setting you up for a bogus telephone interview, and then telling you you need to pay some sort of fee for expenses in order to complete the process. I know newspaper companies are cheap, and they might make you pay for your own travel to the interview, but they haven't (as yet) held up people for money as a condition of finishing the hiring process. Just remember, if it sounds too good to be true...
Thanks for that. My head was spinning. You put it all together for me. Whatever this fella has in mind, I hope nobody has been exploited.
Oh what dandy good fun. Here's a follow-up PM to my previously posted PM: Dear Heinekenman, Just saw your message on the board *sigh* "my critiquing him"??? Please read better. Look again, my username, is it Klaas?? You were not critiquing me (Klaasdevriesjr), but the phoney Klaas who is in fact Defrawy. Please take a good look at my Profile. I also noticed confusion about who I might be. Crash course How to determine search terms and How To Use Google. On the Intenet there is a significant difference between "Klaas de Vries" and "Klaas de Vries Jr" This is me: About the difference between me and imposter Defrawy Click those links: Show Google's cache , Find web pages that are similar to , Find web pages that link to , Find web pages from the site , Find web pages that contain the term Regards, Klaas de Vries Jr
Dogs barking, can't fly without umbrella. Jumpin' Jack Flash is a gas, gas, gas. Mr. Duncan, drop the bird and pick up the fox. The bird is the word! The British are coming! The British are coming! 4 8 15 16 23 42
First a correction I never said I owned or started USA Voice - just employed there As for the following two questions: What credentials do I need to start a worldwide news organization (again hypothetical as I only work for USA Voice) 1. American Citizen 2. The right to Free Speech How can a company come out of nowhere and hire thousands and have a big idea? Wow your right I will inform Google, eBay, Microsoft, Myspace, and all the other dreamers that it can’t be done I am the real Klaas you can email me at to verify
trying to catch on with this hot new company nobody has ever heard of that's hiring thousands of writers and will displace cnn overnight with its unfiltered news and cheap usa today knockoff logos and the longest run-on sentences EVAR!