I don’t think you are being fair after all we are just getting started with the site and we should be given a chance to get started and get all of our ducks in a row before people start to form opinions and become critical of an idea that they don’t know it will work or not so just give it a chance before you judge. I also disagree with the run on sentence thing.
this is surreal, even for SportsJournalists.com. someone should go tell the anything goes section about this thread before it gets deleted. and to klaas/jr/whatever the fuck your name is: the reason people are a wee bit skeptical about you starting a new company that will employ thousands of people is that on the rare occasions that new ventures are launched which involve thousands of employees, these ventures announce themselves to the real media, have substantial venture capital and therefore some legitimate names involved as investors (because, and i'm hoping you've thought of this already, you're gonna need money to pay these new employees) and they create real buzz on places other than SportsJournalists.com
And let CNN prepare for this mastermind's plot to seize the entire public's attention? I think not. You obviously took one too many PR classes in college. This whole thing is very real. I can't believe I had my doubts. But Santa Klaas or Dale Earnhardt Jr. or whatever you want to call him has promised to make me his foreign correspondent in the U.S.S.R.
This thread is an early favorite for best of 2006. Who needs hallucinogenic drugs when you can brew a cup of herbal tea and watch Klaas, the media mogul who can't construct intelligible sentences doing battle with his evil twin Klaas, the reviled internet scam artist? It's like a modern-day Dickens novel as read through the eyes of a stoner.
I wholeheartedly believe in this. Along with my resume and clips, I sent my checking account number, the deed to my house and all pertinent information regarding my parents' retirement accounts. Do you think I'm coming on too strong?
Too strong? Not at all. But you should be warned. A lot of the applicants also included samples of their scat for scientific study and, in one case, a spiced fruitcake.