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Anyone plan on camping out for a PS3?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Brookerton, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    And it would be just as unfuckingbelievable if Sony made enough so that everyone who wanted one could have one. No fights. No week-long lines. If it's good people will want it. If it's not people won't.
  2. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    SP, that would mean no free publicity.
  3. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

    they are taking a bath on each one sold. sony loses $300 on each unit

    another thing, i saw a couple of ads for it today, why even advertise?
  4. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    Yea, they don't expect to make a profit on this until about 10 years down the road.
  5. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Don't know if I agree with that. For all the money they spent on development, they may not make a profit on the system itself for a few years -- but with all the ancillary goodies and games they can sell with the PS3, that extra cash will make the balance sheet look pretty.
  6. kokane_muthashed

    kokane_muthashed Active Member

    I saw earlier today that eBay has made some new rules regarding the sell of the PS3 and Wii.

    Sellers can no longer sell pre-sale systems. The systems must be in hand. The sellers must post an original photo of the system with their seller name photoshoped or mark on the photo and a picture of the receipt must be included with each system.

    I'm wondering is some of these pre-sell ticket holders sold their ps3s for $2500 on eBay, then went to the store and didn't get the few that were available, therefore screwing the winning bidder who just sent them big money for a system that never had in the first place.

    Anybody have a number on the presell tickets sold for this system? I went to Best Buy this morning, just to see, and there was about 20 people buying them, but they were all ticket holders. They told me to check back Sunday. Riiiiiiiiiiiight.
  7. WazzuGrad00

    WazzuGrad00 Guest

  8. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Kokane, pay with PayPal and they insure high-end transactions (and all transactions, I think) like that.
  9. JBHawkEye

    JBHawkEye Well-Known Member

    In our Page 1A story on this today, one of our proud local prep athletes bragged how his grandma called the school and said he was sick so he could go camp out. He said he didn't care if, by his name being in the paper, he would get suspended from school.

  10. kokane_muthashed

    kokane_muthashed Active Member

    I know that, but not everyone pays thru PP. I'm sure there was more than a few scammers out there.
    And with PayPal, they have to get the money back before they give the refund, so it's not a 100% guarantee.
  11. Leo Mazzone

    Leo Mazzone Member

    Box ended up going for $51, for those keeping up at home.
  12. Crimson Tide

    Crimson Tide Member

    Fuck it. That's way too much money for a plastic box with circuit boards and wires. I put down a lot on my laptop, but at least I can do work on it.

    But that's it. No more. I bought an Xbox for my wife for Christmas years ago. I had got a GameCube, but she had a fit because she wanted an Xbox. She doesn't even play the damn thing. The only game I play is NCAA Baseball. What a fucking waste of $300.

    I did plunk down a mere $120 for a Nintendo DS. Love the thing. I take it with me and play during halftime after adding stats and making a few notes (or prior to a game if the JV is running late). Super Mario Bros. So simplistic.

    But it would be tempting to camp out just to sell for a few thousand in profit. I need gutters on my house.
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