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Anyone plan on camping out for a PS3?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Brookerton, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    Threadjack answer:

    Our kindergartner has the LeadFrog book thingy. She got bored with it quickly because she is already reading and that thing couldn't keep up with her. The 4-year-old has claimed it now and loves it. I've never tried the Baby Einstein stuff, but I imagine it's OK.

    I give all the credit in the world to my wife for our kids and their intelligence. Mom reads with each of them individually at night after I've gone to a game or the office and we think that's the best thing any kid can have -- one-on-one time just reading a book. We've staggered the bedtimes for the three youngest from 8:00 to 9:00 and mom spends about 20-30 minutes reading, singing and other bedtime routines. I think it's made a world of difference.

    And, honestly, I think a lot of the games on noggin.com and nickjr.com are pretty educational and I've seen my 4-year-old pick up a lot of early literacy and math skills from them.
  2. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog should put in an appearance at one of these long lines. It would be almost as good as the Star Wars bit.
  3. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Here's what I am wondering...

    Are all the people on line the same people who would pay $2,000 for something worth $600? If so, what will happen to people who are going to buy these things expecting to flip them at a huge profit?

    whenever things like this happen in a market, run the other way.

    The best economics lesson is of the Dutch Tulip craze of the 1600s. It was recounted in a Random Walk Down Wall Street. It's just as relevant today.
  4. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    Since I already own a PS2, I would consider getting one when the price drops to $250.
    The fact it plays Bluray DVDs is a bonus.
    Of course Bluray could be the next Beta...
    And on the kids playing games, my 2 girls love playing PC games (Disney, Barbie, et. al). It has helped them with numbers and the alphabet.
    A lot worse things they could be doing.
  5. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    I was going to, but I'm already camping out for tickets to the next 'Matrix' movie.
  6. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Can't wait for the lines waiting for the midnight release of Chinese Democracy from GnR.
  7. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    And there is no guarantee these machines will work a month. Whenever new game systems come out, there are always bugs and glitches and unexplained shutdowns.

    It would suck to wait a day or two in line, spend $600 or more and have it crap out after two weeks of play.
  8. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    Sounds like somebody bought a Microsoft Zune.
  9. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    I believe the operating assumption is that the people with the cas to pay 2K aren't going to camp outside in the cold. They'd rather pay the cash. What's funny is the people with that kind of money probably aren't buying it for themselves. It's likely to be a Christmas gift.

    But if they really onbly have 250,000 available nationwide, there will be a resale market.
  10. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    Heard on the radio about some guy who is paying homeless people to wait in line for him. He's got 50 people in lines waiting for the store to open. He drives around, gives them food and warm drinks and will then take their spot in line in order to buy the PS3.
  11. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Are any of them roofers?
  12. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    Not sure.;)

    It wasn't local. Said it was in North Carolina.
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