No spaceman was not calling her fat. If you've been around here long enough, you would know what he was saying.
See, a woman who looks too perfect is a turn-off for me. Different strokes and all. And Stupid....good choice for a handle. Love it when the "overweight people are killing our economy" card gets played.
Did I miss something? Are people being forced at gunpoint to go back for seconds and thirds at these buffet restaurants? With few exceptions (and there are a few), responsibility for being obese (or bulimic) goes to the individual and not the "culture."
He may have called her fat but I wouldn't say it was an original opinion. Obviously he got that idea from someone else, otherwise why would we call it d_b-ing?
No, people aren't being forced to eat at buffet restaurants, but we have businesses that proudly sell sandwiches that pack 1,000 calories a serving, served with massive servings of french fries and drums full of Coke. Not to mention pizzas with cheese baked in the crust, meant to be dipped in ranch dressing. And all this food is aimed at kids and teens and they get blasted with this advertising all the time. While all this is going on, these same kids are getting hit with images of body types that aren't realistic at all. You hear dipshits all the time dissing women with's stupid and sick. Look, if you're a woman and you're a pleasant, fairly bright person and you take care of your appearance (dress nice, shower every day, wear a little makeup)...dudes will hit on you big-time. We're not that picky.
I cannot wait for the Wives/Girlfriends of Calendar to his the streets. Heidi Klum and et al. better make their money now ...
You will find the source of DB's observations (verbatim) here: