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AP Reporter misrepresents herself to get interview with Steinbrenner

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by YankeeFan, May 27, 2007.

  1. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    A lot of things have changed the outlook on this particular issue. Here's one thing that doesn't change.

    Inky, people do NOT get a pass on being right or wrong because they've been around for a long time. I really wish we wouldn't think that's a defense for anything.
  2. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    but you know what?

    That's probably the way AP would want it.
  3. boots

    boots New Member

    I have been saying this for a long time yet people think that I'm some kind of shit stirer. The truth is MANY on these threads are wet behind the ears but think they know every damn thing. When someone tries to tell them differently, they rebel.
    Here's hoping things will change.
  4. ink-stained wretch

    ink-stained wretch Active Member

    Shottie, ain't that the truth.

    What chaps my elderly cheeks is the hair-trigger environment.

    [Sounding like a geezer here] Don't they teach the first rule of the newsroom any more? "If your mother says she loves you, check it out."?

    Many of the nimrods must have forgotten.

    It is a tad unpleasant to watch a pack of nimrods try to take on a true Nimrod. [The devil made me write that]. It never ends well.
  5. Left_Coast

    Left_Coast Active Member

    Doubt it. This place jumps to conclusions at the first moment without knowing all of the facts. That will continue, sadly.
  6. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    Deadline pressure. A killer.
    If I had a second chance, I would have said, "unethical." :)
  7. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    Then you would have only been factually wrong.
  8. Ira_Schoffel

    Ira_Schoffel Member

    Not to beat this dead horse into oblivion, but I still say that the original column note was an attempt to elicit the very response we saw on this thread. Otherwise, why insert the part about her saying she was an old friend?
  9. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    Ira, I don't have any direct knowledge. But, I can only assume Murray saw the news reports -- just like the rest of us -- and didn't understand the context of "old friend."
    Taken literally, it's a pretty easy mistake to make.
  10. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member


    Didn't you say this on this very thread?

  11. boots

    boots New Member

    Like many aholes along here, I spoke before checking out the facts. That's why I changed my stance.
  12. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    boots -- all over map and proud of it.
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