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Athlete-Reporter fights

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Cousin Jeffrey, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. boots

    boots New Member

    Say what you want about Deion but I do give him credit for being successful at both sports. I saw him struggle in baseball and he learned to appreciate the game, and his talents, more than many will ever realize. He mastery of football came much easier.
  2. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    he gets my full credit for being a dick in two sports. how's that?
  3. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    It said "and reporters" in the guy's intro, which is why I think his column was a piece of shit...

    Hell, if the lazy SOB read Pond Scum and Vultures he would have had a much better column...
  4. Joe Bloggs

    Joe Bloggs Member

    and you don't know any sports writers who are dicks?
  5. andyouare?

    andyouare? Guest

    Sheesh. I guy that writes a 10-spot, fluff piece for si.com is a lazy SOB?

    I guess you think the people that write Faces in the Crowds are a bunch of cocksucking, motherfucking losers that deserve to die.
  6. boots

    boots New Member

    If you covered the guy in either sport, and I covered him in both, then you can come to a logical conclusion. If you are basing it on what you have heard or sound bites or TV out takes, or have never said a word to Deion, then you, in my opinion, are making a big mistake in smearing someone you don't know. That happens too often in this business and needs to stop. I'm not chastising you. Just stating a fact.
  7. It was not Alan Malamud it was Jim Ruffalo from the OC Register.
  8. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    i covered deion throughout his nfl career. and his picture is right there next to "dick" in the dicktionary.
  9. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    I, too, covered Deion as a beat writer for one of his teams, and I had to deal with him on a more limited basis later with another team. And I'll say with no hesitation that he was an arrogant, boorish, egotistical, self-important ass.

    And he hasn't changed a bit. His performance on the day of Terrell Owens' overdose, when he appointed himself to take charge of the ``press conference'' at T.O.'s house by hand-picking which reporters could attend and which couldn't was a classic Deion delusion of grandeur.
  10. boots

    boots New Member

    Deion could be a dick. There's no question there. However, I believe many people here don't know him or even tried to get to know him, and formulate an opinion without EVER talking to the guy. That's not right. That's all we're saying. It's sort of like T.O.
  11. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    bullshit. never met, never talked, never interviewed TO, and i think it's safe to say he's a dick.
  12. boots

    boots New Member

    How can you formulate an opinion on someone that you don't know? That my friend is being a dick. I'm not saying they are great people but don't character assassinate someone you don't know. I'm sure you wouldn't want anyone doing that to you.
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