Well, this might get interesting ... RT @bmarcello: Chatted w/ Selena Roberts, author of Auburn allegations story. She says she's working on a "part 2" focusing on AU boosters.
2005 Oklahoma says hai. Finebaum's free agency begins in a little less than three weeks. Odds are he gets picked up by the rival FM sports talker in town, probably owning the show himself and owning full syndication rights.
Three months from some time in late January. No one knows for sure where he'll wind up, but everyone assumes he's going to another Birmingham station, 97.3 The Zone.
Returning to this "tainted title," accept this notion of cheating. So who is the last national champion who didn't do it? And I'm talking about the real stuff, the straight-out cash and cars, not just the paper-shuffling crap. I'd have to go back to '86 Penn State. Raping boys maybe, but not doing bad stuff like cheating.