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Aussie College Baseball Playa Killed By Bored Teens In Ok Narrative

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Boom_70, Aug 19, 2013.

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  1. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    72 hours ago, most people thought that 3 black teens killed a white jogger. And many who otherwise haven't bothered to check further still likely believe that.

    All because of a handful of media outlets that rushed to look at the case that way (including posting an image of a black person named Michael Jones who wasn't the Michael Jones in this case).
  2. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    What about Delbert Belton, the 88 year old WWII vet who was beaten to death by some black kids in Spokane Washingtn the other day, did Rev Al take up that cause? What did Racheal have to bemoan? Did the Seattle Mariners post pictures of themselves in camo outfits, ala the Miami Heat and their Trayvon Hoodies?

    Is Eric Holder looking into the denial of Mr. Belton's civil rights?

    KHQ.COM - Police say two teens assaulted 88-year-old Delbert Belton outside the Eagles Lodge in North Spokane Wednesday night around 8pm. Belton was rushed to the hospital where he was placed in the intensive care unit but later died. Police are actively searching for two suspects. They are described to be 16-19 in age, black males & both wearing black clothing, one was wearing a black "Do-Rag" police say. Family & friends of Delbert Belton tell KHQ's Dylan Wohlenhaus that Delbert was "full of life" at 88-years-old.

    They say Belton loved working on cars and helping out others. Belton also served overseas in the military in WWII. Friends of Belton say he was wounded in WWII in Okinawa but survived.

    Trayvon racial cause celeb. Christopher Lane and Delbert Belton, flotsam?
  3. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    OK, YF, now your biases are on trial.

    The Daily Caller, Rush Limbaugh, and a slew of other conservative media outlets reported that the three suspects were black. They were not. One of them was white.

    Do you still think the racial angle belongs in the stories? Are you willing to admit that the mainstream press had it right all along by leaving it out?

    Also: I look forward to your posts excoriating The Daily Caller, Rush Limbaugh, and Fox & Friends for botching this story about as badly as anyone has botched a story in some time. Journalism is on trial here, right? Well, their crime was egregious.

    Also, AP Stylebook on race identification of story subjects:

  4. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    For the 1,000,000th time, if George Zimmerman is arrested on Day 1, there is no story.

    Any story in which a suspect is either in custody or being sought is not comparable.
  5. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    The Daily Caller and Rush bring a bias to everything they cover by definition. I don't see a reason to apologize for their shitty reporting. (And, I think they were all citing the Herald News of Australia, who originally had a picture of the wrong person in this post:

    http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/chilling-911-call-details-final-moments-of-melbourne-baseballer-chris-lane8217s-life/story-fni0fiyv-1226700172461#ixzz2cWHpYASm )

    But, let's not act like the press left out this information because they "wanted to get it right". We won't have to look far to chronicle a whole host of factual mistakes in recent breaking news stories like Newtown, or the Boston bombing case.

    The issue of race as a possible motivator was ignored because many in the media wanted to ignore it.

    The racial makeup of the killers has not ruled out how the victim was targeted.

    The media simply took the police chief's word that "boredom" was the motive. Is that enough?

    I think a college football coach would face more scrutiny if he gave a simplistic answer like that in a press conference.
  6. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    That and, of course, the fact that it did not exist.
  7. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    So three people kill someone else, and 1 1/2 people are white, and "the racial makeup of the killers has not ruled out how the victim was targeted"?

    I think you fell into the trap created by this early reporting and don't want to back out now. Which is EXACTLY what the early reporting was intended to make you do and EXACTLY why respectable news outlets wait.
  8. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    Small detail, there.
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    So, how was the victim targeted?

    And, you're all good with "boredom" as a motive? Really?

    I think "gang initiation" might prove to ultimately be the true motive. The guy who called 911 on them says they had threatened his black son.
  10. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    Well, to be fair, it took Vincent Bugliosi several months before he found the "Helter Skelter" motive.

    I'd say the police directly quoting the suspect is good enough for now.
  11. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka

    Boredom and a twisted sense of the world would suffice for me. I don't know. I seriously doubt it was because he was white. I guess gang initiation could be it, although I don't know what kind of gang operates in the sticks of Oklahoma.

    I doubt he was targeted, to tell the truth. I think if it had been you or me running past, we would have gotten it. Wrong place, wrong time.
  12. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Re: Austrialian College Baseball Player Killed By Bored Teens In Oka


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