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Barnes & Noble is criminal

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Pringle, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    Dye, you don't realize that I was in just that predicament. My folks made too much money to get aid or scholarships, but not enough to foot my bill. So, I was on my own. I went to night school for a while, working my way through. Got married and suffered on a $10/hour salary until I'd had enough -- AND MADE IT HAPPEN.

    My mom was a nurse's aide and wiped old folks' ass to put a roof over my head, while my stepfather busted his ass in a hard-labor job, to boot. So don't lump me into some category -- rich fucktards, I think you said -- when you don't know what, or whom, you're talking to.

    When you and others stop blaming your problems on something -- or someone -- else and take matters into your own hands, then come back.
  2. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Well, at least my parents taught me the virtues of not being a potty-mouth all the time.
  3. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Maybe there's so much vitrol because some of you people are arrogant, bitter brats and you can't stand someone actually offering some advice.

    Consider the advice corner closed.
  4. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    But they forgot to teach you not to be a sanctimonious prick.
  5. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Now, now...that's not being very ladylike.
  6. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Sounds like the depressed, disappointed rantings of a 50-year-old who's disappointed with his lot in lot.

    Arrogant, bitter brat? Asshat, I joined the military after high school, supported a wife while she went to school, busted my ass to pay off a reasonably priced car 13 months early and I own my own house while paying child support.

    But yeah, I guess I'm a little spoiled brat. And you're the smartest 50-year-old this side of sunset.

    And your advice sucks. Good thing you're not dispensing anymore of it.
  7. Satchel Pooch

    Satchel Pooch Member

    I think I made my $25 back this year just by saving 10% on the BN Starbucks. Two evil corporations in one fell swoop, but it's only 90% of two evil corporations.
  8. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    I read this kind of "I walked uphill both ways to school" horseshit, and I wish Hondo HAD gotten some things handed to him earlier.

    Just so he'd shut the fuck up.

    Hey, maybe some good sex at a young age would have done it.

    (Sorry, Hank. Whoops, I did it again.)
  9. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    This is a tough thread.

    I agree that some people too easily allow themselves to fall into debt. I got through school without owing anything, partly because tuition is cheaper in Canada, partly because I had good summer jobs, and mostly because I worked my ass off and studied hard and got scholarships and bursaries. And when I got my first job out of university, earning $20,000 a year, I lived in a rathole apartment with two buddies, took the bus, and ate rice every night. I've always lived within my means.

    However, unlike some on this thread, I can also see that I caught some lucky breaks, especially with my career. And I can understand that it only takes a couple of body blows, or one or two wrong moves, to send your financial situation straight to hell. Life is an unforgiving business.

    To wit: I had my gallbladder out in L.A., and today I found out from my insurance (which is covering it, thank God), that the bill was $47,411. That was for a one-night stay. A hit like that would break most people, even people who have been financially responsible all of their lives.

    I dunno. Not to sound wishy-washy, but this thread is the classic shade of gray. As a result, it's turned into a shitstorm, but really, there are truths in nearly everything that's been posted here. Some people need to look in a mirror. Other people need new hearts.
  10. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Who the FUCK ever asked Hondo for advice?

    Who the FUCK would ever ask a guy who thinks Bush does no wrong for advice?

    Good God. Get the fuck off your high horse. You are as inconsequential as you are insufferably arrogant.
  11. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    The point, though, is that many people can't get scholarships. That's why I mentioned the two groups I did.

    And the Army, in my mind, really is not a scholarship because you then have to serve when you get out of school.

    It's not as much about blaming someone else as it is getting fed up with people like you who refuse to admit there are serious problems with the current system that are getting worse.
  12. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    Wanted to throw one more example out there:

    A while back my mother got on my case that I should be "thinking about buying a home and quit wasting my money on rent".

    I couldn't agree more.

    But say, for instance, I wanted to buy a home or condo that cost $150,000. This is far from the current median home price of $227,000, but in my neck of the woods it is possible to get into a single-family home for $150K. It won't be in a great neighborhood, but still.

    To keep the numbers nice and round, let's say I put down 10% of the purchase price: $15,000.

    My current salary is, for the sake of round numbers, in the $30K range.

    I asked my mother how long she thought it would take me to save exactly half of my pre-tax salary when I'm already being maxed with the monthly bills.

    My parents bought their first home in 1975 for $12K. My father's salary was $8K. His salary was 67% of the home price. Using the numbers above, my salary would be 20% of the home price. Biiiiiiig difference.

    When I explained the numbers this way, my mother finally understood.
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