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Baseball Thread 5 - #5 George Brett Has a Story to Tell

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Evil Bastard (aka Chris_L), Jun 24, 2009.

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  1. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Somebody remind me what makes Jason Bay a "great" player.
    Is it the .223 average over the past 35 games or the 5 strikeouts tonight?
  2. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    Since he's spent almost a year in the AL now, is it possible the book on him has passed around the AL more substantially? He went 0-for-15 against the O's, and is 2-for-30 in his last seven games.
  3. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Which means he's back to being the good... not even close to great... player he is.
  4. KevinmH9

    KevinmH9 Active Member

  5. Colton

    Colton Active Member

    Tonight was Game 80 and I'm taken back to the days of my youth -- season's over.

    (Indians' fanboi looser)
  6. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    What a putz.

    He has a .921 OPS.

    What is Manny's OPS the past 50 games?
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I think you are overrating the package they got and underrating McLouth, especially given that his contract is relatively cheap. The guy is on pace for a 20-20 season with nearly 100 RBI despite missing some time with a sore hamstring and playing most of the year with the Pirates. They rushed into the deal and got less than they could have.
  8. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Bay is a very good hitter in a miserable slump, possibly he caught it from Ortiz.
    But Simon, he's not quite the hitter Manny is. The trade worked out for the Sox because all they needed was a guy who was about 90 percent the hitter Manny is, which ain't chopped liver, so don't interpret that as a knock on Bay.
  9. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Unfortunately for them, their bitches have left town and now they get to play real teams again.
  10. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Jason Bay is not 90% the hitter Manny is.... maybe 65-70% at best.
  11. You're pathetic.

    A-Rod hit .207 in June but if someone jumped all over him you'd be making all sorts of excuses.

    Explain to me why anyone would think you know anything about baseball? All you ever do is complain and bitch. Omar Minaya sucks, the Mets suck, Jason Bay sucks, this sucks, that sucks.

    Pathetic. And boring.
  12. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Oh, yeah, I always make excuses for A-Rod and the Yankees.
    You're a jackass.
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