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Baseball Thread IV

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Evil Bastard (aka Chris_L), May 28, 2006.

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  1. djc3317

    djc3317 Guest

    and also because martinez is one of the worst defensive catchers in baseball. let's not forget about that little fact.
  2. nafselon

    nafselon Well-Known Member

    I like those guys more than the Tony LaRussas of the world who every baseball expert loves yet he hasn't won a title since 1989 despite numerous opportunities.
  3. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    In other words, Mathmatical masturbation.
  4. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Isn't that what sabermetrics is?
  5. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    You said that. I would never say anything like that ::)

    And tell me mustard what do the .26 and .52 in that fantastic formula respresent? Just some arbitrary figures, I'd guess?
  6. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Your ridiculous "Runs Produced" stat, however, is the be-all and end-all of player value, I suppose.
  7. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Sorry, mustard, the only stat that is the be-all and end-all is how many games a team wins.
    You win games by scoring more runs than you allow.
    So, arriving at a simple number like runs produced is a decent stat.

    Creating a trigonometric formula to measure what would happen if you had 9 of the same player in the lineup is total bullshit.
    (I don't think either Reyes or Mauer would be very good pitchers, although both have good arms)
  8. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    If the Nats had nine Sorianos, every game would be 35-34.

    If the Nats had nine Johnsons, they'd be great until July and then they'd all be on the DL. NICK JOHNSONS, before any of you perverts crack wise about what YOU could do with nine johnsons.
  9. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    You know, I've come around to your side of thinking on this one, I think. Let me know if this is right:


    1 (Tie). Every starter for the Detroit Tigers.
    2 (Tie). Every starter for the New York Mets and Chicago White Sox

    and so on and so forth.

    Exactly how is Mauer, or any other player on a shitty team, responsible for the shittiness of his teammates? Are you telling me that Jose Reyes with identical stats, but playing for the Twins, is less valuable?
  10. Mauer hits for average - not for power - true. However, from what I've seen Mauer is also a team guy who exhibits a good deal of speed whereas Boggs was one of the most selfish players to ever live. Boggs would never try to advance the runner if it meant hurting his average. Mauer's 6 SB are already double what Boggs had in his best season and the 9 HR Mauer hit last year are more than hat Boggs hit in all of his 18 seasons except 2. Big difference between players.

    Plus I'm doubting that Mauer will try and blackmail his teammates with supposed x-rated Delta Force videos of them cheating on their wives on the road.

    Wade Boggs can suck a long brown doodie out of my ass.
  11. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Hamels, meanwhile, is going to be really fucking good one day very soon.

    Nats are knocking him around a bit - up 4-0 in the fifth - but you can tell watching him that one day he isn't going to leave quite as many pitches up. His shit moves, he seems to have good variety and he has eight strikeouts already. Just now blew out Guillen and Johnson and is about to punch out Zimmerman. OK, Zimmerman flew out.

    He's close to 100 pitches already so I don't know how much longer they'll leave him in. But if the Phils want to send him down the pike as part of the Nats' dumping, I'd be one happy sumbitch.
  12. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Horse. Shit.

    You've created a stat where a guy who gets on base less than a third of the time is equivalent in value to a guy with an OPS of a hair less than 1.000 simply because he's got three tremendous hitters behind him.
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