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Baseball Thread IV

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Evil Bastard (aka Chris_L), May 28, 2006.

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  1. The Cincinnati Reds have more than double the number of HR than the Royals (95 to 46). That's not too surprising but the Reds also have almost double the number of HR as the Cubs (95 to 49). I guess that's as good an indication of how bad the Cubs have been as any.
  2. fmrsped

    fmrsped Active Member

    Don't mean to threadjack. ... But I understand the spnited is old jokes. ... But what is up with the fucking dickhead, goddamn dickhead, etc. etc. and smilies after every joke? Is it simply an inside joke, or am I missing something bigger?
  3. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    It's very unfair to spnited... any real historian knows it was Alexander Cartwright who created the field in Hoboken, New Jersey, and spnited didn't take the horse and buggy there... the buggy wasn't in wide use at that time. :)
  4. Alexander Cartwright? Was his nickname Hoss?

    Little Joe was my favorite
  5. Excellent primer on steroids and HGH - really cuts to the chase on the realities of steroids and baseball.

  6. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    This just in: David Wright is pretty fucking good.
  7. soccer dad

    soccer dad Guest

    thanks for posting that, chris/lou. it was a good read.

    as for cito gaston, i was embarrassed that he could never get another managing job (he came close with the indians and white sox) and had to serve as jim fregosis batting coach in toronto. fregosi, of course, was the manager gaston beat in the 1993 world series. maybe gaston wasnt a pure baseball strategist -- but he won more world series than geniuses whitey herzog, tony larussa and bobby cox combined. and some of those guys, particularly larussa, had teams just as loaded as gastons.

    guys like devon white, roberto alomar and todd stottlemyre, who had huge issues elsewhere, never played better than they did for him. isnt that what a manager is supposed to do?
  8. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    I guess you must really think a lot of Mike Hargrove then, considering the years Alomar had for the Indians from 1999-2001.

    Or Tony LaRussa, considering Stottlemyre's K rate about doubled under him from 1995-97.
  9. soccer dad

    soccer dad Guest

    hey man,

    alomar played very well for the indians, but he would tell you his blue jays days were his best. same with stottlemyre. k rate is great and all that, but one of my reporters did an interview with him where he said nowhere did he pitch better than toronto. he said the difference between his toronto years and his cardinals/diamondbacks years (before he got hurt) were his maturity. he regretted he wasnt at that point for gaston.

    he talked about how gaston backed him after he and borders got into a brawl with their wives at a bar during spring training one season. said he never had a manager go to the mat for him like that.
  10. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    It may be time to take the bloom off the Leo Mazzone rose.

    His former team --- the Braves --- is next-to-last in the NL with a 4.78 team ERA.

    His current team --- the Orioles --- is next to last in the majors with a 5.37 team ERA and also in walks and hits per innings pitched (1.34).
  11. nafselon

    nafselon Well-Known Member

    Ahh so it's obvious Julio Franco was keeping that team together!
  12. The guy that gets me is Eric Bedard. He's getting 6.42 run support per 9 IP and yet still has a losing record and his ERA has ballooned under Mazzone from 4.00 in 2005 to 5.69 this year
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