Touche. It didn't bother me, I just found it amusing. I initially thought the killing of the farmer was actually a test, one he would pass by refusing to kill him in a nod to justice. Then gun powder started exploding, so that theory went down the crapper.
I would answer but I'm not a comic book geek, just a Batman geek. I don't even really know which characters go with which publisher, other than Batman and DC and X-Men and Marvel. I think Superman is Marvel, but I'm not even sure of that.
Machine GUNS. The plane was what I was thinkingg of, but the plane also. It goes against the whole backstory.
Jeebus, boy! DC = Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman Marvel = Spider-man, X-Men, The Hulk, Fantastic Four
So did the fact that Commissioner Gordon didn't know who Batman was and wanted him arrested. The Burton films were entertaining, nothing more.
I'd almost say it's a draw then, at least for now. Superman, The Hulk, Fantastic Four sucked. Spiderman 1 was good, 2 not so much. Edit: I don't like Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane. She's not the right kind of pretty for the character and the fake red hair takes me out of it. And she played the part way too sweet for being completely dismissive of Peter at first. First two X-Men were great, three was meh. Batman Begins was the best of all of them and I have a hard-on for the Dark Knight. The Batman series will tip it in DC's favor.