He played a gay cowboy pretty well. Didn't see that coming, either. Personally, I trust Nolan's choice. Like I said before, I'm sure he had screentest. This role requires too much just to be handed out to a name. He must have shown something.
I think many people are expecting a Jack-like, flamboyant Joker that will steal the show. I can't see Ledger as that, but I can imagine him as a depraved, psychopathic mass-murder with a flair for the dramatics. I mean, just look at what he's going to look like. That is the kind of clown all clown-haters see in their nightmares. For some reason, I am unusually optimistic.
I didn't realize that's what he's going to look like. Looks a bit too much like The Crow, but not bad, especially when you see it a little bigger (I think the teeth make him look pretty demented). The jury's out, and as others mentioned, people weren't real happy with Mr. Mom taking over the role of Batman in 1989, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Screen test or not, though, I do think they were going for a big name to fill the role.
Batman Forever is on right now and it's unbelievable how much the movie blows chunks, even after review 10 years later. Just unreal. Carrey sets a record for scene-chewing, maybe surpassed only by gurning Rene Jar-Jarwegger in Cold Mountain.
Carrey doesn't eat half the scenery in that movie as Nicholson did in "Batman" or Al Pacino did in "Scent of a Woman" -- that's two of the hammiest performances ever.