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Beat Writer For Notre Dame Football And Basketball — South Bend, Ind.

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Stu Coman, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. alex.riley21

    alex.riley21 Member

    What a coincidence - I just turned 30. We should talk.

    studthug12, Potter and djdennisOU like this.
  2. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    Several years ago, I covered a different team for the same company. You will work your ass off, sure, but it was a nice step up in pay and benefits from the 25K daily I left it for.

    One nice thing about this job is you are in South Bend, away from the home office, which should mean more flexibility. Stu liked the beat guys based in Durham to be in the office a little more than I thought necessary considering the time you were out at games, practices, etc.
    djdennisOU likes this.
  3. djdennisOU

    djdennisOU Member

    I already cover Notre Dame for my own website while also working full-time job on a copy desk. I feel like it'd likely lessen my work load, hence my initial excitement when I saw the post.
  4. JohnHammond

    JohnHammond Well-Known Member

    Remember the advice given in the press pass thread? Act like you belong.

    No need to tell everyone you're applying. No one cares.
    Dick Whitman and Cosmo like this.
  5. djdennisOU

    djdennisOU Member

    Whatever you say.
  6. Ice9

    Ice9 Active Member

    I was gonna go with "Millennials, man. They want validation for simply being alive", but I like the way your phrased it better.
  7. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Dennis, no one is arguing that you shouldn't have passion for your job. But I've been a hiring manager, and I've just gone through the process of hiring interns for the summer for my current gig. You're not doing yourself any favors by coming on a public forum that's read by a lot of editors in the industry and professing your love for every job opening. Smacks of desperation. Be professional.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  8. wheels89

    wheels89 Active Member

    Plus another issue why maybe a couple board members got a little peeved at Dennis is he posts quite often on the job board what he is applying for. It's getting old.
  9. CarlSpackler

    CarlSpackler Active Member

    The minute anyone lacks enthusiasm for the jobs posted here, it's time to get out. God knows this work isn't about money, so it better be about enthusiasm. I don't think anyone's trying to be a dick to Dennis here. I'd just point out to the kids fresh out of college that the people hiring for jobs are going to be older, and that generation is bemused by behavior that people in their young 20s consider routine. (And for some, it's a much stronger reaction than "bemused.")

    So hell yeah, man, pursue your dream. Play up the traits that will resonate with younger audiences we don't understand. But do it in your cover letters and interviews. This board is a great place to get feedback about a gig like this when it opens. That's what it's here for -- not trumpeting one's intentions. And I get that's what young people do now without any realization that it might be unbecoming. We're just letting you know that's how some people see it (i.e. the important ones), and it would behoove all youngins to take that into account.

    You may now proceed with walking across my lawn.
  10. FSportsFitzgerald

    FSportsFitzgerald New Member

    Well said, CarlSpackler.

    This is in all likelihood a significant step up in general from any small and probably many average-sized daily assuming this is the type of material you want to cover. Seems like "having to work at lot" is not something we're going to be able to shy away from as this industry moves forward. How good or bad that is will I guess be determined by how the lines between work and leisure blur and how much revenue anyone can actually figure out how to make and share.

    Ten years ago, a place like this and maybe a handful of local dailies were the only things in existence. Amazing how many more people are covering this type of team now.

    I'm pretty sure a place like this is still paying better than most of the newcomers.
  11. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I prefer to just say, "Fuckin' Millenials ..."
  12. Tdell8

    Tdell8 New Member

    This is an ignorant blanket statement if I've ever seen one before. If you're qualified, you're qualified.
    Mister413 likes this.
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