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Beer . . .

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by sportschick, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    It's a shame I had to go to sleep last night at 8 p.m. I could have had a good time laughing at all of these posts.
  2. Mira

    Mira Member

    I'm a beer girl, big time. My favs are Stella Artois, Lambic Framboise, Smythwicks, anything Leinie's, Fat Tire, New Glarus ... love most of it. No Miller Lite, though. It takes like water, unless I have it in the plastic bottle they serve at Miller Park.
  3. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    That Moddy didn't lock this thread early this morning is one of the greatest upsets in SportsJournalists.com history.
  4. Mira

    Mira Member

    One question. What's with Tom Petty and his obsession with Skittles and drinking?
  5. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Read the party drinks thread.

    I can't believe I missed a beer thread. This upsets me greatly. Of course, I was in no condition to be posting last night.
  6. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    I'm curious to know this about beers -- what beer has the highest alcohol percentage?
  7. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    When I was poor I would drink Bud Ice because it had a high alcohol percentage, but I am sure there are much higher than whatever it was. Plus, Bud Ice is an awful, terrible beer.
  8. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Bud Ice. That's an insult to the word ice.
  9. Mayfly

    Mayfly Active Member

    Dogfish 60 Minute Warning is about 15 % alcohol.

  10. Affligem Tripel.
    My annual Christmas Eve libation.
  11. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    Had one of those Budweiser Cheladas that Chef started a thread on.
    The damned thing tasted like shit and smelled like fish. Must have got the "Taint" flavored can.
    Anyway, I poured it out after just two sips.
    First time I recall pouring out beer, unless it's in a glass.
  12. Chef

    Chef Active Member

    2 things.

    First....you have to shake it up.

    Second....you have to pour it out of the can. Thought it tasted better when I poured it into a tall-boy.

    As for the fish smell, you do realize it's CLAMato......right?
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