Super Bowl 2022: NFL official explains no-call on Tee Higgins' touchdown against Jalen Ramsey This is some serious bullshit. Higgins grabbed Ramsey's facemask and pulled hard enough to turn his head, but they didn't think it affected the play?
Was I the only one who wondered if Kupp was concussed on the TD catch wiped out by offsetting penalties?
No. I guess it’s the Edelman rule — don’t pull a productive WR who got rocked with head to head contact and was speaking in tongues in the post-game interview.
I know that was probably supposed to be a deadpan response, but wondered if you happened to watch the ice dancing last night? It was truly amazing, all around. I thought the two American pairs got robbed, as one team (Madison Hubbel/Zachary Donohue) finished with a bronze medal and the other one (Madison Chock/Evan Bates) fell to fourth after couples from France and the ROC followed them and wound up first and second, respectively. I'm no ice dancing judge, but, personally, I thought the U.S. teams' performances were both better -- more varied, interesting and dynamic -- than those of either of the teams that finished ahead of them. But there wasn't one performance, by anyone, that wasn't incredible, and couldn't be enjoyed, thoroughly, by everyone. A really great night of skating competition. I enjoyed it even more than the men's figure-skating final.
And bringing in the players from the Riverside School for the Deaf, too. I'm sure those kids were thrilled to be at the Super Bowl, particularly after their own super season.
Watched the halftime show again - some good touches that might have been lost in the spectacle - the dancers wearing the hoodie, the dancers dressed as inmates. Probably lost on most - but it was a lot more "political" than people probably realized. Whether they dropped some language or not. Great show - incredible set. Loved the "floor" of South Central.
So OBJ tears up his knee on the artificial turf. Why is there not real grass in a stadium with a glass roof?