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Best fantasy team names?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Shaggy, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. I dubbed my keeper league team Kerry Wood's Hot Tub this year...
  2. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    I still think the Penis Mightiers is a great name.
  3. crusoes

    crusoes Active Member

    I have Sault Ste. Marie Antoinettes. Our team mantra is "Let them drink beer."

    A friend of mine had a college rec basketball team called Giraffe Odor. I had to bow to the master on that one.
  4. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    They never mess with one of their own, George...
  5. CapeCodder

    CapeCodder Member

    I'm still waiting for whatever team currently employs Jermaine Van Buren to come up with a fan club called "The Van Buren Boys."

    I've had teams named The Sucka MC's and Team Awesome. Big wrestling fan in our office has one named The Fabulous Kangaroos.
  6. The_Equalizer

    The_Equalizer Member

    For several years, my team (with apologies to Dave Barry) was called the Pull-It Surprises.

    The last few, I've been the No-Talent Assclowns.
  7. Chef

    Chef Active Member

    My new fantasy baseball team.......The Meatless Wienees
  8. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    Several years ago, three friends of mine co-owned a team: Manage A Trois. Brilliant.
    Others in my former leagues:
    Tom Dempsey's Toes
    Pete Gray's Arm
  9. mltru2tx

    mltru2tx Member

    The first year I played fantasy football -- before the advent of Internet-run leagues -- I wrote the newsletter every week for the league. This was Curtis Enis' rookie year, and I pretended his middle initial was P. I've never seen so many mature, young adults (I like to think so) laugh every time they see the name Curtis P. Enis.
  10. North61

    North61 Member

    No, but interestingly enough, it was the team name of a friend of mine in a fantasy football league.

    And for your information, the supreme court has roundly rejected prior restraint!

    In a fantasy hockey league, a guy had Sergei Federov and Ladislav Nagy on his team and combined the two to form: Federov's Nagy Herpes.
  11. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    I've always been partial to leagues which require teams to be located in real towns. Last place team gets his club relocated and renamed by the rest of the league.

    The Dingle (Id) Berries is a good one.
  12. spikechiquet

    spikechiquet Well-Known Member

    I am using the "Spittin Swallows" right now
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